
Stories by Michael Abella on Legal Newsline


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Michael Abella News

California woman claims Sue Bee products are not all-natural

By Michael Abella |
SANTA ANA, Calif. (Legal Newsline) — A California woman has filed a class-action lawsuit against Sioux Honey Association, citing alleged deceptive and misleading business practices.

Orange County man says Express overcharges for shipping

By Michael Abella |
NEW YORK (Legal Newsline)  — An Orange County, California, man has filed a class-action lawsuit against Express, LLC and Does 1-10, citing alleged fraudulent and/or deceptive practices.

Women say certain L’Oreal, Matrix Essentials products don't contain keratin as advertised

By Michael Abella |
NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) — Two consumers have filed a class-action lawsuit against L’Oreal USA, Inc. and Matrix Essentials, LLC, citing alleged false, deceptive and misleading advertising.

Miss. man sues attorneys after court win against UPS

By Michael Abella |
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Legal Newsline) – A Mississippi man alleges law offices in Arkansas and Memphis are charging him excessive and unreasonable fees.

Consumer alleges Samsung's QWERTY TV remotes use defective battery supply

By Michael Abella |
CHICAGO (Legal Newsline) – A consumer has filed a class action lawsuit against an electronics manufacturer over allegations a television remote control is defective.

Tobacco farmers accused of filing false claims under federal crop insurance program

By Michael Abella |
WAYCROSS, Ga. (Legal Newsline) – The federal government alleges several individuals filed false claims under the federal crop insurance program.

Physician's Formula Cosmetics accused of deceptive marketing practices in class action

By Michael Abella |
A consumer has filed a class-action lawsuit against Physician’s Formula Cosmetics, Inc. and Physicians Formula, Inc., cosmetics manufacturers, citing alleged false, deceptive and misleading representations.

Class action alleges Hodgson Mill's buckwheat pancake mix is falsely advertised as all natural

By Michael Abella |
BELLEVILLE, Ill. (Legal Newsline) – An Illinois woman alleges a pancake mix is falsely advertised as containing all natural ingredients.

PlayStation 4 owner accuses Sony of selling a defective product

By Michael Abella |
SAN FRANCISCO (Legal Newsline) — A PlayStation 4 owner has filed a class action lawsuit against Sony, citing alleged fraudulent business practices.

Graduates file class action suit against DeVry alleging they failed to get jobs as promised

By Michael Abella |
CHICAGO (Legal Newsline) — New graduates have filed a class action lawsuit against DeVry University, Inc., citing alleged false and misleading marketing practices.

General Mills accused of selling 'natural' products tainted by unnatural ingredients

By Michael Abella |
LOS ANGELES (Legal Newsline) — Three consumers have filed a class action lawsuit against General Mills, Inc., alleging fraudulent business practices.

Mexican transgender man sues Indiana over not being able to change name

By Michael Abella |
INDIANAPOLIS (Legal Newsline) – A transgender man is challenging Indiana state law that prohibits non-citizens from legally changing their name.

Tesla Motors claims Michigan's legislation regarding new car sales violates rights

By Michael Abella |
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (Legal Newsline) – An electric vehicle manufacturer alleges a state's legislation violates its constitutional rights.

6 former students accuse DeVry University of fraud

By Michael Abella |
CHICAGO (Legal Newsline)  — Six former students are suing DeVry education institutions, alleging misleading advertising and marketing practices.

California consumer accuses HGH manufacturer of deceptive advertising

By Michael Abella |
LOS ANGELES (Legal Newsline) — A California consumer is suing a Utah manufacturer, alleging false and misleading advertising.

Consumer accuses herbal supplement distributor of false advertising

By Michael Abella |
SAN FRANCISCO (Legal Newsline) — A California consumer is suing an herbal supplement distributor, alleging breach of warranties and false advertising.

Investor alleges HCP artificially inflated stock prices

By Michael Abella |
LOS ANGELES (Legal Newsline) – An investor has filed a class action lawsuit against a real estate investment trust and its leaders over allegations they misrepresented that assets were secure and unimpaired.

Sprint accuses federal government of failure to apply correct regulations

By Michael Abella |
WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) — Sprint is suing federal agencies and officials, alleging failure to apply the correct regulations.

Common stock holder accuses tech-based education providers of negligent misrepresentation

By Michael Abella |
SAN FRANCISCO (Legal Newsline) — A common stock holder is suing technology-based education providers, alleging misrepresentations and/or omissions of material facts.

Stockholder accuses Twitter of artificially inflating stock price

By Michael Abella |
SAN FRANCISCO (Legal Newsline) — A stock holder is suing Twitter, alleging false and misleading representations of the defendant's stock price.