
Stories by Mark Payne on Legal Newsline


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Mark Payne News

Santander Bank's policy changes will benefit low-income consumers

By Mark Payne |
Santander Bank will adopt new business practices that will allow more New Yorkers to open bank accounts

Backpage.com faces suit for alleged human trafficking

By Mark Payne |
Massachusetts pushing to allow a lawsuit against Backpage.com over alleged human trafficking to go forward.

Iowa AG joins challenge against US Foods, Sysco merger

By Mark Payne |
Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller joined in on the fight to stop US Foods and Sysco from merging on Thursday.

NY school districts to remove citizenship inquiries from enrollment forms

By Mark Payne |
20 New York school districts agree to remove barriers to education for undocumented students

Compassionate Care Hospice allegedly defrauded Medicaid, Medicare

By Mark Payne |
Compassionate Care Hospice settled allegations that it submitted false Medicaid and Medicare claims.

New Jersey's AG office brings in more than $346 million in 2014

By Mark Payne |
The New Jersey Division of Law hauled in more than $346 million from legal settlements and judgments in 2014

Ohio AG asks manufacturer to make heroin overdose drug more affordable

By Mark Payne |
Ohio attorney general recently asked Amphastar Pharmaceuticals to provide rebates for the purchase of naloxone.

DEW D Services to pay for alleged Medicaid fraud

By Mark Payne |
DEW D Services allegedly submitted false claims to Missouri's Medicaid program.

NY furniture company allegedly misled consumers with false advertising

By Mark Payne |
HQ Home reached a settlement with New York after it allegedly deceived customers with false and misleading advertising.

UPS sued for allegedly shipping untaxed cigarettes

By Mark Payne |
UPS sued over allegations that the package delivery company shipped untaxed cigarettes in New York.

Advance America to pay $8 million in restitution to PA consumers

By Mark Payne |
The owner of Advance America will pay $8 million in restitution to Pennsylvania consumers

Ticketmaster to clear up paperless ticket confusion

By Mark Payne |
Ticketmaster reaches a deal with Missouri over confusion about paperless ticket restrictions.

NY settles with World Trade Centers Association over naming rights

By Mark Payne |
The World Trade Centers Association reached a settlement with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

Ascension Health to hold funds amid concern over sale to for-profit

By Mark Payne |
Ascension Health, a non-profit healthcare center, will set aside a portion of its proceeds from its forthcoming sale to a for-profit healthcare company, according to an announcement from Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster.

New York debt collector sued for allegedly violating Ohio laws

By Mark Payne |
Nationwide Recovery Group, LLC., faces a lawsuit from Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, after the New York debt collector allegedly violated Ohio Consumer Protection laws, according to an announcement today from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

Six apartments to pay back tenants' deposits

By Mark Payne |
Six New York apartment complexes will be forced to repay tenants’ deposits after they allegedly failed to return the deposits, despite the tenants being qualified to receive payback, according to an announcement today from New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

Rhode Island AG settles public records and open meetings law violations

By Mark Payne |
Two Rhode Island government entities have reached a settlement with Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Kilmarting, after the agencies allegedly violated open records laws.

Mo. receives large settlement from Anadarko Petroleum bankruptcy

By Mark Payne |
Missouri will receive $43.9 million as part of bankruptcy settlement involving Anadarko Petroleum

AGs plead with gas station owners to cease the sale of synthetic drugs

By Mark Payne |
Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway issued a plea to nine oil companies on Tuesday

Car dealer settles N.C. discrimination suit

By Mark Payne |
The owner of two Charlotte, North Carolina, car dealerships recently reached a settlement with Attorney General Roy Cooper