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The agency’s final guidelines were released earlier this month, recommending primary care physicians use other therapies for chronic pain and exercise caution when prescribing the prescription drugs. The Washington Legal Foundation says it fears plaintiffs firms, some of which have ties to the guideline development committee, will end up using them in their pending litigation against drug makers.
OKLAHOMA CITY (Legal Newsline) – A Kansas woman is suing oil and natural gas assets companies over their alleged anti-competitive practices.
Under the retainer agreement signed in September, the plaintiffs law firm known for its class action lawsuits -- and that has been hired by a growing number of state attorneys general in recent years -- could have earned 27 percent of the State’s net recovery if an investigation into a group of opioid makers proceeds.
A group of five pharmaceutical companies being investigated by state Attorney General Joseph Foster for their marketing of prescription opioids have filed motions with a state court to have the plaintiffs law firm barred, along with the enforcement of subpoenas from Foster’s office. The companies argue the firm has too much of a financial stake in the investigation.
The prominent plaintiffs law firm known for its class action lawsuits -- and that has been hired by a growing number of state attorneys general in recent years -- could earn 27 percent of the State’s net recovery under a retainer agreement signed in September.
A majority of the court sided with Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s office in a ruling this month, allowing for increased use of outside attorneys. A group of nursing home operators filed their lawsuit last year, trying to kill plaintiffs law firm Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC’s apparent deal with Kane’s office.
Attorney General Jim Hood signed a retention agreement with a Flowood, Miss., law firm last week. Hood is suing the pharmaceutical companies over alleged fraudulent marketing and sales of their painkillers.
The prominent plaintiffs law firm -- known for its class action lawsuits and having been hired by a number of state attorneys general in recent years -- currently is helping to represent the City of Chicago in a lawsuit filed against a group of pharmaceutical companies over the marketing of opioid painkillers.
The companies, including Purdue Pharma, Johnson & Johnson and Teva, argue that the city, for the third time, has failed to plead claims against them.