
Stories by Mike Helenthal on Legal Newsline


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Mike Helenthal News

Judge denies injunctive relief for plaintiff in Newman's Own pasta sauce case

By Mike Helenthal |
BROOKLYN, N.Y. (Legal Newsline) – A federal judge in New York has come to several conclusions on issues involving a class action suit against the Newman’s Own company alleging deception over its “all natural” pasta sauce labels.

Missouri high court lowers amount awarded to Kansas City School District employee

By Mike Helenthal |
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Legal Newsline) – The Missouri Supreme Court on May 16 lowered the amount awarded by a lower court in a wrongful discharge claim of a former employee of the Kansas City School District.

Case over alcohol device dismissed in district court, plaintiffs allowed to amend

By Mike Helenthal |
LOS ANGELES (Legal Newsline) – A California federal judge has dismissed a class action lawsuit against the maker of an alcohol monitoring system, though the plaintiffs in the case will be allowed to amend and re-enter the complaint.

Appeals court decides Texas Tech promotion case won't be reheard

By Mike Helenthal |
An appeals court judge for the 7th District of Texas this month denied a motion to rehear a case filed by Texas Tech University professor and associate dean James Wetherbe, who claimed he was the subject of defamatory statements that derailed a promotion.

Racketeering case against Lending Club moved to arbitration

By Mike Helenthal |
NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) – A federal judge has ordered a class action lawsuit targeting online loan to arbitration on Jan. 30.

Rising slack fill lawsuits test function of packaging

By Mike Helenthal |
CLAYTON, Mo. (Legal Newsline) -- Is at a matter of "more is less" or "what you see is what you get?"

Time Warner benefiting from Spokeo decision in Wis. federal court

By Mike Helenthal |
MILWAUKEE (Legal Newsline) – A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision limiting a consumer’s ability to sue a company’s mishandling of personal information is protecting companies like Time Warner from class action lawsuits.

Beanfield lawyer: Suit claiming snacks' false advertising is way to 'harass' company into settlement

By Mike Helenthal |
BROOKLYN, N.Y. (Legal Newsline) – The attorney who represents the Beanfield Snack Corp. says a recent class-action lawsuit filed against it claiming false advertising is without merit and an attempt to pressure the company into an out-of-court settlement.

Providence's class action suit against drug companies outside norm, observers say

By Mike Helenthal |
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (Legal Newsline) – A Rhode Island city’s decision to file a class action lawsuit against several pharmaceutical manufacturers over allegations that they conspired to fix the prices of certain generic drugs is unusual, legal experts say.

Final OSHA reporting rules require public reporting

By Mike Helenthal |
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently finalized a set of new rules that require large companies to annually report workplace injuries and illnesses.

CEO of startup says texting lawsuit 'meritless'

By Mike Helenthal |
LOS ANGELES (Legal Newsline) - A New Jersey-based online event and ticketing company is contending a class-action lawsuit filed against it May 12 is without merit.