
Nebraska Supreme Court pilots livestream for judicial nominating commission hearing


Monday, March 31, 2025

Nebraska Supreme Court pilots livestream for judicial nominating commission hearing

State Supreme Court
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Hon. William B. Cassel Justice | State of Nebraska Judicial Branch Website

The Nebraska Supreme Court has chosen the Buffalo County Courthouse in Kearney, Nebraska, to test a new livestream initiative. This project will allow remote viewing of the Judicial Nominating Commission hearing scheduled for January 24, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. Justice William Cassel will oversee the proceedings where Commission members will interview seven candidates for the position of District Judge of the Ninth Judicial District.

The public can access the livestream through this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4548520463?pwd=TXVGRzhlWVhFOXVFZkZaM2JxeWsvQT09&omn=87591061422. Chair Justice Cassel stated that "no public participation will be permitted via the livestream," and warned that "if technical difficulties occur, the livestream may be interrupted or discontinued," though "the in-person hearing in Courtroom #1 will continue uninterrupted."

This pilot aims to raise awareness about Judicial Nominating Commission hearings and offer Nebraskans an opportunity to view these proceedings using existing courtroom technology.

The project is a joint effort involving staff from the Buffalo County District Court Clerk’s Office and IT departments from both Buffalo County and the Nebraska Judicial Branch. Further details on the public hearing are available at: Seven Submit their Names for District Court Judge in the Ninth Judicial District | Nebraska Judicial Branch.

Nebraska's judicial power is distributed among various courts including the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, and county courts, all under the administrative direction of the Supreme Court. The state also has separate juvenile courts in Douglas, Lancaster, and Sarpy Counties as well as a statewide Workers’ Compensation Court.


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