
Stories by Richard Miniter - American Media Institute on Legal Newsline


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Richard Miniter - American Media Institute News

Caldwell’s TV endorsers are paid millions, state records show

By Richard Miniter - American Media Institute |
On television ads endorsing Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell for re-election, Paul Connick says a lot — but he never acknowledges that Caldwell approved $1.7 million in payments to his private practice.

Wisconsin whistleblower found dead days after high court vindication in Walker case

By Richard Miniter - American Media Institute |
The whistleblower who helped changed the course of the Wisconsin’s governor’s race last year, Michael Lutz, was found dead -- 11 days after the state supreme court came to the same conclusion with his allegations of prosecutorial bias. Lutz, 44, was American Media Institute’s confidential source who provided an eyewitness recounting of the political and personal motives behind Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm’s investigations into Gov. Scott Walker.