

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Deputy Attorney General addresses threats to democracy at ABA Democracy Summit

Attorneys & Judges
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Merrick B. Garland Attorney General at U.S. Department of Justice | Official Website

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco delivered remarks at the 2024 American Bar Association (ABA) General Assembly, highlighting the importance of preserving democratic institutions and defending the Constitution. Speaking at the ABA's first-ever Democracy Summit, Monaco emphasized the critical role lawyers and citizens play in upholding the rule of law and building trust in the election system.

Monaco acknowledged that democracy is currently facing significant challenges, including threats of violence, foreign influence, and misinformation fueled by artificial intelligence. She noted that these issues are not new but have evolved with emerging technologies.

"The Justice Department was founded during Reconstruction with a mandate to protect civil rights," Monaco stated. "Today, our mission remains to uphold the rule of law, keep our communities safe, and protect civil rights."

Monaco addressed various threats to democracy, including political violence and foreign interference in elections. She cited an increase in violent threats toward public officials and election workers as a growing concern. "On a weekly basis — and often multiple times in a week — I get reports about violent threats to public officials," she said.

The Deputy Attorney General also highlighted efforts by foreign actors such as Russia, Iran, and China to influence U.S. elections through sophisticated techniques like deepfakes and social media manipulation. "Putin and his proxies are using increasingly sophisticated techniques in their interference operations," she remarked.

Monaco stressed the need for a collective response to these challenges, involving both government agencies and private sector companies. She mentioned ongoing efforts by the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force to counteract foreign operations targeting democratic institutions.

In her speech, Monaco underscored the importance of transparency in combating these threats while protecting First Amendment rights. She announced that for the first time, procedures for sharing foreign malign influence threat information with tech companies were made public.

Monaco concluded by calling for unity against threats to democracy: "Disagreement and debate are essential for a healthy democracy. But those disagreements must not push us toward violence – they should align us in common cause."



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