

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Attorney General Moody Sits Down with NYC Law Enforcement Couple Who Moved to Be Florida Heroes

State AG
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Attorney General Ashley Moody | Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Attorney General Ashley Moody recently sat down with Angeliesse and Mike Nesterwitz, two New York City police officers who made the decision to move to Florida to continue their law enforcement careers. The Nesterwitzes are part of a growing trend of New York officers who have chosen to serve in Florida, with over 230 officers making the move since July 2022.

During the conversation, Angeliesse shared her strong family ties to New York and the NYPD, revealing that her mother was also an NYPD officer. Inspired by her mother, Angeliesse joined the profession and met Mike while working in New York. The couple fell in love and decided to answer the call to become Florida heroes.

Attorney General Moody expressed her excitement about meeting the Nesterwitzes, stating, "We are seeing a lot of New York's finest leave the Empire State and head to Florida. I am excited to help tell their love story - for each other and the great state of Florida - as we continue our Sunshine Salute Sit-Down Series."

The Nesterwitzes explained that they chose Florida because of the support and climate the state provides for law enforcement officers. They have since moved to Tampa Bay and now serve at the Tampa International Airport Police Department (TIAPD). The couple expressed their desire to grow their family while continuing their service in Florida.

Incentives offered by the state of Florida have sweetened the pot for the Nesterwitzes and the more than 900 officers who have made the move since July 2022. These incentives include one-time recruitment bonuses, allowances for training costs, down payment and closing cost assistance for eligible homebuyers, adoption assistance for officers who adopt a child from Florida's foster care system, exemptions from prerequisites for certain applicants, and family empowerment scholarships for the children of law enforcement officers.

Attorney General Moody's Sunshine Salute Sit-Down Series is part of an initiative to recruit more qualified law enforcement officers to Florida. The series aims to highlight the stories of officers who have chosen to serve in the state. The initiative, called Be A Florida Hero, was launched by Attorney General Moody in 2021 and offers an interactive map to help officers find career opportunities throughout Florida.

To learn more about the Nesterwitzes and their decision to become Florida heroes, visit [link to be provided].

For more stories in Attorney General Moody's Sunshine Salute Sit-Down Series, click here [link to be provided].

To find out why Florida is the number one state for recruitment and retention of highly qualified professionals, visit BeAFloridaHero.com.

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To learn more, click on this link: https://www.myfloridalegal.com/newsrelease/video-sunshine-sit-down-series-attorney-general-moody-sits-down-nyc-law-enforcement


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