
Missouri AG rakes in campaign cash for gubernatorial bid


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Missouri AG rakes in campaign cash for gubernatorial bid

Jay Nixon

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Legal Newsline)-Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon has raked in more campaign cash in the last three months for his gubernatorial bid than either of the Republicans vying for the state's top post.

Nixon, a Democrat, raised nearly $1.5 million from January through March, according to state campaign finance disclosures released Tuesday.

His campaign called Nixon's fund-raising the best for any candidate for Missouri governor in the first quarter of an election year.

After expenses, Nixon had $2.7 million cash-on-hand at the end of March, the disclosure shows.

"During these difficult economic times, Missourians want a Governor who will move our state in a new direction," Oren Shur, spokesman for Nixon's campaign, said in a statement.

Also running for governor are Republicans U.S. Rep. Kenny Hulshof and Missouri state Treasurer Sarah Steelman.

Both of the candidates made late entries into the race. They will battle it out in the August primary for the GOP gubernatorial nomination.

Hulshof reportedly raised $906,683 since announcing his candidacy Jan. 29. He had 732,224 in cash at the end of March.

This is after he donated $200,000 from his congressional campaign account to the state party in February and March, according to a report filed this week with the Federal Election Commission.

For her part, Steelman raised $658,753 and loaned her gubernatorial campaign $500,000.

She is the only candidate to so far to pump her own money into the race. She has $1.4 million cash-on-hand, her campaign said.

From Legal Newsline: Reach reporter Chris Rizo by e-mail at chrisrizo@legalnewsline.com.

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