
News published on Legal Newsline in December 2010


Saturday, March 29, 2025

News from December 2010

N.J. AG sues investment firm over ponzi scheme

By Keith Loria |
Dow NEWARK, N.J. (Legal Newsline) - New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow announced on Tuesday that she has filed a lawsuit against an investment firm that allegedly defrauded investors out of more than $40 million in a Ponzi scheme.

N.C. AG stalls engine company over bad business practices

By Keith Loria |
Cooper RALEIGH, N.C. (Legal Newsline) - North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper announced on Wednesday that he has obtained a consent judgment against a custom engine business that allegedly took more than $800,000 from consumers for services it never provided.

Mo. AG files suit over No-Call violations

By Keith Loria |
Koster JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Legal Newsline) - Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster announced on Tuesday that he has filed a lawsuit and obtained a temporary restraining order against a telemarketing company that allegedly violated the state's No-Call List Act.

Ohio SC OKs diversion of tobacco funds

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
Pfeifer COLUMBUS, Ohio (Legal Newsline) -- The Ohio Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that diverting $230 million in tobacco use prevention fund proceeds to pay for non-tobacco related expenditures did not violate the retroactivity clause of the Ohio Constitution and/or the contracts clauses of the U.S. and state constitutions.

Cuomo files fraud suit against Ernst & Young

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
Cuomo NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) -- New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Ernst & Young LLP, charging the accounting firm with helping Lehman Brothers Holding, Inc., engage in accounting fraud.

W.Va. AG, trial lawyers opposed consumer ruling

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
McGraw CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- West Virginia Attorney General Darrell McGraw and the state's trial lawyers are more than likely not happy about a ruling handed down by the state Supreme Court of Appeals last week in the case of White v. Wyeth.

Ark. AG settles with propane co. over deceptive trade practices

By Legal News Line |
McDaniel LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Legal Newsline) - Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel announced on Tuesday that he has reached an $85,000 agreement with a liquid propane company that allegedly violated the state's Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

Van Hollen obtains judgment against Verizon Long Distance

By Keith Loria |
Van Hollen MADISON, Wis. (Legal Newsline) - Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen announced on Tuesday that he has obtained a consent judgment against a phone carrier that allegedly billed some customers who had subscriptions through another carrier.

Coakley's pharmaceutical settlement worth $500K

By Keith Loria |
Coakley BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley announced on Monday that her office has settled with a drug manufacturer that allegedly violated the state's False Claims Act.

Koster gets refunds for debt settlement customers

By Keith Loria |
Koster JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Legal Newsline) - Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster announced on Monday that he has reached a consent judgment with a debt settlement company that allegedly misrepresented its services.

Coakley, Verizon reach agreement

By Keith Loria |
Coakley BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley announced on Tuesday that her office has settled with Verizon Massachusetts over allegations that the company had numerous service quality problems in Western Massachusetts.

N.J. SC sends orders to six lenders

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
Rabner TRENTON, N.J. (Legal Newsline) - The New Jersey Supreme Court has ordered six leading lenders to prove they are lawfullly processing foreclosures.

Iowa AG announces partnership with U.S. attorney

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
Miller DES MOINES, Iowa (Legal Newsline) - Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and U.S. Attorney Nick Klinefeldt announced on Monday the creation of the Iowa Mortgage Fraud Working Group.

Wells Fargo modifying home loans

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
Brown LOS ANGELES (Legal Newsline) - California Attorney General Jerry Brown announced on Monday that Wells Fargo has agreed to provide loan modifications worth more than $2 billion to thousands of California homeowners.

AGs attack Bank of America

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
Goddard PHOENIX (Legal Newsline) - Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard and Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto have filed lawsuits against Bank of America Corporation.

Hawaii governor picks new AG

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
Louie HONOLULU (Legal Newsline) - Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who took office earlier this month, announced on Sunday his appointment of David Louie as the state's next attorney general.

Google misses Conn. AG's deadline

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
Blumenthal HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal says his office may be forced to take legal action against Google after the company failed to meet a deadline.

Bullseye placed on Philly courts, group says

By John O'Brien |
Balefsky PHILADELPHIA (Legal Newsline) - According to a major tort reform group, Philadelphia is the biggest "judicial hellhole" in the United States. Will it also become the biggest target for plaintiffs lawyers?

W.Va. SC ruling may have implications for AG's office

By Jessica M. Karmasek |
McHugh CHARLESTON, W.Va. (Legal Newsline) - West Virginia consumers looking to sue for misrepresentation under the state's Consumer Credit and Protection Act now must show proof of reliance, according to an opinion released Friday by the state Supreme Court.

Drugmaker settles for $101M

By Keith Loria |
WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) - The federal government and states have reached a $101 million settlement with an Irish pharmaceutical company that allegedly improperly marketed an epilepsy drug.