Belluck & Fox Llp
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546 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10036
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NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) – Companies facing lawsuits in New York City’s controversial asbestos court are using U.S. Supreme Court decisions from recent years that prevented plaintiffs lawyers from suing in whatever court they felt like.
Asbestos defendants failed to convince New York’s highest court to intervene in a long-running fight over how the New York City asbestos court known as NYCAL does business, leaving them with few options as hundreds of lawsuits march toward trial in the plaintiff-friendly venue.
The legislation, introduced by a group of Democrats last month, is more likely to pass now that former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver -- who was found guilty of corruption by a federal jury in November -- no longer is in power. Silver also worked at one of the most prominent asbestos law firms in the country, Weitz & Luxenberg PC.
On Oct. 2, Justice Cynthia Kern ordered three trials for eight plaintiffs represented by the firm Belluck & Fox, which asked for the consolidations. Two sets of plaintiffs allegedly contracted mesothelioma from asbestos exposure, while the third alleges lung cancer.
On Oct. 1, the Dallas firm Simon Greenstone Panatier Bartlett filed a notice to appeal a recent decision that denied the firm’s motion to dismiss the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuit against it. That suit, filed by former frequent asbestos defendant Garlock Sealing Technologies, alleges the firm hid evidence of their clients’ exposures to other asbestos products in order to drive up settlements and verdicts against Garlock.
Some asbestos law firms are being dragged into racketeering lawsuits against their colleagues. Now that a federal judge has affirmed its right to do so, Garlock Sealing Technologies recently issued subpoenas to 29 law firms, including Baron & Budd, Brayton Purcell and Williams Kherker Hart Boundas.