Nick Rees News
Fraudulent vehicle inspections lead to lawsuits in Mass.
Martha Coakley (D) BOSTON (Legal Newsline) -- Seven Massachusetts motor vehicle inspection stations are facing lawsuits after falsely giving passing emission test results to cars through deceptive practices.
Dynegy to disclose climate risks
NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) -- Climate change risks must now be disclosed by a national energy company to investors following an agreement announced by the New York attorney general.
Indiana SC to hear casino case
Steve Carter (R) INDIANAPOLIS (Legal Newsline) -- A private Indiana business that has received over $16 million from East Chicago riverboat casinos revenues without providing an accounting to the public will now have to face the State Supreme Court.
Massachusetts oil companies to pay $312,500 over spill
Martha Coakley (D) BOSTON (Legal Newsline) -- Three Massachusetts companies responsible for spilling roughly 18,000 gallons of fuel oil into the Chelsea River and Mill Creek in Revere have reached an agreement with the state attorney general's office.
Debt cancellation coming to almost 1,500 West Virginians
Darrell McGraw (D) CHARLESTON W.Va. (Legal Newsline) - Almost 1,5000 West Virginia consumers will see debts totaling over $6.5 million canceled following an agreement made by the state's attorney general with a debt collection agency.
Mass. contractor agrees to $10,000 in fines
Martha Coakley (D) BOSTON (Legal Newsline) -- A Massachusetts construction company that violated the state's independent contractor, overtime and records keeping laws has agreed to pay almost $10,000 in fines.
Greear's ad takes aim at McGraw
Dan Greear (R) CHARLESTON, W. Va. (Legal Newsline) - Dan Greear, the Republican candidate for West Virginia attorney general, is running his third television and radio ad.
Corbett praises new home improvement protections
Tom Corbett (R) HARRISBURG, Pa. (Legal Newsline) -- Pennsylvania has made steps towards protecting home owners from the increasing prevalence of home improvement fraud.
Turbine company to pay restitution to customers
Martha Coakley (D) FALL RIVER, Mass. (Legal Newsline) -- A Massachusetts wind turbine company accused of making false and misleading representations about their products will have to pay restitution to consumers who were mislead.
Cox's lawsuit against insurance deal OK'd
Mike Cox (R) LANSING, Mich. (Legal Newsline)-Attempts by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan to have a lawsuit filed by the Michigan attorney general thrown out were rejected this week by an Ingham County judge.
Online lender sued by W.Va. attorney general
Darrell McGraw (D) CHARLESTON, W. Va. (Legal NewsLine) -- Predatory loans with interest rates of up to 99 percent APR have lead to a California-based internet lender being sued by the West Virginia attorney general.
D.C. high court rejects $18 million award
WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)--A medical malpractice provider suing the Columbia Hospital for Women Medical Center, Inc. for breach of their insurance contract had their claim rejected and an $18 million award for tortious interference claim levied against them.
Gas station settles price gouging claims, agrees to refunds
Bill McCollum (R) TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Legal Newsline) -- A Florida gas station accused of price gouging after Hurricane Ike has agreed to reimburse anyone with a receipt who was overcharged for gasoline, under a settlement with the state attorney general.
Coakley sues manufactured home community for housing discrimination
Martha Coakley (D) PLYMOUTH, Mass. (Legal Newsline) -- A housing discrimination and consumer protection lawsuit has been filed against a Massachusetts manufactured home community, alleging the company prevented a home owner from selling a home to a buyer under the age of 55.
AG: Voting rights of those with foreclosed homes upheld
Doug Gansler (D) BALTIMORE, Md. (Legal Newsline) -- Maryland's attorney general has issued a letter to state and local elections officials, saying the voting rights of those with recently foreclosed homes cannot be challenged based on residence.
Supreme Court: Judge can't refuse pay raise
Joan Orie Melvin (R) HARRISBURG, Pa. (Legal Newsline) --A Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge has been told by the State Supreme Court, in a one sentence ruling, that she cannot refuse an 11 percent pay raise.
Virgina AG announces belt-tightening measures
Bob McDonnell (R) RICHMOND, Va. (Legal Newsline) -- Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell has announced that his office will cut its general fund budget by more than 9 percent -- a move aimed at easing the state's budget woes.
Corbett targets Pittsburgh-area home improvement companies
Tom Corbett (R) HARRISBURG, Pa. (Legal Newsline) - The Pennsylvania attorney general is suing two Pittsburgh-area home improvement companies, accusing them of charging customers for more than $440,000 of unperformed work.
Miss. businesses warned against selling Salvia Divinorum
Jim Hood (D) JACKSON, Miss. (Legal Newsline) - A crackdown on Salvia Divinorum, a herb known to induce strong psychedelic effects, has begun in Mississippi, state Attorney General Jim Hood said.
Settlement reached in Washington precious metals case
McKenna OLYMPIA, Wash. (Legal Newsline) - A settlement with an Auburn business that failed to deliver precious metals sold online by the promised date has been announced by the Washington Attorney General's office.