Nick Rees News
Settlement reached in Michigan auction rate security scandal
Cox LANSING, Mich. (Legal Newsline) - Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox and the Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation have reached a settlement with Comerica Bank that requries the bank buy back $1.46 billion in auction rate securities.
Michigan AG to investigate price gouging
Cox LANSING, Mich. (Legal Newsline) - Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox has begun questioning more than a dozen gas station owners who have been accused of dramatically raising their gas prices during Hurricane Ike.
Milgram helps fight family of frauds
TRENTON, N.J. (Legal Newsline) - Three Jersey City siblings have been sentenced for filing fraudulent applications for 745 Homestead Rebate checks, aiding their father and his business partner in stealing $573,383 from the State of New Jersey.
Corbett: New scam targets senior citizens in Pennsylvania
Corbett HARRISBURG, Pa. (Legal Newsilne) - A new financial scam has cropped up in Pennsylvania, says state Attorney General Tom Corbett, who is warning seniors there that scam artists pretending to be family members involved in a traffic accident.
ExxonMobil settles Maryland contamination lawsuit
Gansler BALTIMORE (Legal Newsline) - The settling of a lawsuit against ExxonMobil Corp., alleged to have released pollutants at its Jacksonville Service Station, was announced Monday by Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler.