
Stories by Drew Smith on Legal Newsline


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Drew Smith News

Blumenthal to support contracting reform proposals

By Drew Smith |
Richard Blumenthal (D) HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) -- Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is scheduled to submit testimony to the state Legislature today in support of two contracting reform proposals.

McGraw investigates Pennsylvania research company

By Drew Smith |
Darrell McGraw (D) CHARLESTON, W.V. (Legal Newsline) -- Several West Virginia residents have filed complaints with Attorney General Darrell McGraw's office after receiving two one dollar bills in the mail.

Three state AGs awarded Aspen Institute fellowships

By Drew Smith |
Doug Gansler (D) WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-State Attorneys General Doug Gansler of Maryland, Jack Conway of Kentucky and Mike Cox of Michigan have been selected for Aspen Institute Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership.

Cigarette company agrees to stop distributing decorative sign

By Drew Smith |
HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) -- New Mexico-based Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company,the maker of Natural American Spirit tobacco products, has reached an agreement with 41 states to stop distributing a promotional sign that violates the 1998 tobacco settlement.

Atlantic Wire settles toxic dump suit

By Drew Smith |
Richard Blumenthal (D) HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) -- Branford, Conn.-based Atlantic Wire Co. has agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle allegations that it illegally dumped toxic waste in the Branford River for over two years.

Hood levels charges at Entergy affiliate

By Drew Smith |
Jim Hood (D) JACKSON, Miss. (Legal Newsline) -- Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood announced Tuesday that he has found more evidence of wrongdoing on the part of state power provider Entergy Corporation.

AG McDonnell proposes several election reforms in Virginia

By Drew Smith |
Bob McDonnell (R) RICHMOND, Va. (Legal Newsline) -- Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell has announced a number of election reforms he is including in his legislative package during the upcoming session of the General Assembly.

Ohio AG settles deceptive marketing suit

By Drew Smith |
Nancy Rogers (D) COLUMBUS, Ohio (Legal Newsline) -- Ohio Attorney General Nancy Rogers has reached a settlement agreement with a local restaurant and a marketing firm after it was alleged the two companies engaged in deceptive advertising.

Gansler issues cease-and-desist order to agricultural salesman

By Drew Smith |
Douglas Gansler (D) BALTIMORE (Legal Newsline) -- Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler has issued a cease-and-desist order to a man accused of failing to complete the renovation of several poultry houses across the state.

N.J. travel agency to pay for stranding customers

By Drew Smith |
Anne Milgram (D) NEWARK, N.J. (Legal Newsline) -- Edison, N.J.-based USA Haj Mission Corp. has reached a settlement agreement with Attorney General Anne Milgram after failing to make airline bookings for its customers who were traveling to Mecca.

Canadian telemarketer agrees to fine, discontinue U.S. calls

By Drew Smith |
William Sorrell (D) MONTPELIER, Vt. (Legal Newsline) -- Canadian telemarketer Wolfgang Loss-Wells has agreed to a lifetime ban on telemarketing in the United States and to pay $20,000 in penalties.

Blumenthal files suit against wood pellet company

By Drew Smith |
Richard Blumenthal (D) HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) -- Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is suing Enfield-based New England Pellet, LLC for failure to deliver thousands of tons of wood pellets to customers.

Coakley claims insurance company is discriminating

By Drew Smith |
Martha Coakley (D) BOSTON (Legal Newsline) -- Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is asking the Division of Insurance to review the new auto insurance rates of Worcester-based Premier Insurance, a subsidiary of Travelers Insurance.

Blumenthal asks DPUC to reject utility rate hike

By Drew Smith |
Richard Blumenthal (D) HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) -- Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has asked the Department of Utility Control (DPUC) to reject locally-based United Illuminating's request for an $81.5 million rate increase.

Blumenthal files suit against cemetery operator

By Drew Smith |
Richard Blumenthal (D) HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) -- Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has filed a lawuit against Hamden Plains Cemetery for failing to properly mark graves and maintain the property grounds.

Coakley obtains injunction against process server

By Drew Smith |
Martha Coakley (D) BOSTON (Legal Newsline) -- Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley has obtained a preliminary injunction against process server Stokes & Levin, Inc. for allegedly falsifying the service of legal papers.

Wells announces retirement from Florida S.C.

By Drew Smith |
Charles Wells TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Legal Newsline) -- Florida Supreme Court Justice Charles T. Wells has notified Gov. Charlie Crist that he will retire from the high court at the close of business March 3.

New Jersey to receive $4 million in landfill cleanup settlement

By Drew Smith |
Anne Milgram (D) TRENTON, N.J. (Legal Newsline) -- New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram announced that the state will be receiving $4 million to pay for the cleanup of what was once one of the nation's worst landfills

Madigan suing Las Vegas company for "cramming"

By Drew Smith |
Lisa Madigan (D) CHICAGO (Legal Newsline) -- Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has filed a lawsuit against Las Vegas-based company, claiming it cheated Illinois small business by "cramming" them.

Arkansas S.C. rules Check-Cashers Act unconstitutional

By Drew Smith |
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Legal Newsline) - The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled the state's Check-Cashers Act of 1999 was unconstitutional because of the triple-digit interest rates it allowed lenders to charge consumers.