Attorney General Gentner Drummond is calling on Congress to address the growing issue of organized retail crime, which has become a significant problem across the United States. This call to action coincides with a new state bill designed to enhance Oklahoma's ability to combat these criminal activities.
Drummond has already taken steps within Oklahoma by establishing the Organized Retail Theft Unit in his office. He has also joined forces with a bipartisan coalition of 38 states and territories to tackle the issue at the federal level.
Organized retail crime has led to over $121 billion in losses for U.S. businesses and poses physical dangers, as 76 percent of retail security managers report violence against employees by organized criminals.
"Organized retail crime has reached a level never before seen in this country, and Oklahoma families are feeling the impact," said Drummond. "When retailers are forced to close stores due to theft and violence, it's Oklahoma consumers who pay the price through higher costs and reduced access to essential goods. Rural and underserved communities across our state are particularly vulnerable when they lose access to groceries, medication and everyday necessities. I'm fighting to protect Oklahoma businesses and ensure that our citizens don't bear the burden of these criminal enterprises."
The coalition has urged Congress to reintroduce two critical bills from last year's session: the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act and the Organized Retail Crime Center Authorization Act. These measures would create an Organized Retail Crime Coordination Center at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, enhancing coordination between state and federal efforts.
Oklahoma House Bill 1592 aims to define organized retail crime clearly and establish stronger penalties for offenders. It also extends the Oklahoma Organized Retail Crime Task Force until June 1, 2026, supported by staffing from the Attorney General's Office. This task force will provide insights into organized retail crime and potential solutions for reducing theft losses in Oklahoma. The bill is authored by Rep. John George, Rep. Tim Turner, and Sen. Darrell Weaver.
Last week, HB 1592 successfully passed out of the House Judiciary and Public Safety Oversight Committee.