Donald Miller, also known as "Duck," has been sentenced for violations of the Federal Controlled Substances Act. The 43-year-old resident of New Orleans received a sentence of seventy-eight months in prison, followed by four years of supervised release, and a $100 mandatory special assessment fee. This sentencing took place on January 15, 2025.
Miller had previously pleaded guilty to charges related to conspiracy to distribute and possession with intent to distribute five hundred grams or more of cocaine hydrochloride. According to court documents, Miller and his co-conspirators were involved in distributing multi-kilogram quantities of cocaine within the Eastern District of Louisiana. During the investigation, law enforcement officials seized over forty kilograms of cocaine hydrochloride and nearly $700,000 in cash.
The case is part of an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) investigation. OCDETF aims to identify and dismantle high-level drug traffickers and criminal organizations threatening the United States through a multi-agency approach that includes federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.
The investigation was led by the Drug Enforcement Administration's New Orleans Field Division Office. Other agencies involved included the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Border Patrol, Gretna Major Crimes Task Force, Kenner Police Department, Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, St. John’s Parish Sheriff’s Office, Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office, and New Orleans Police Department. Assistant United States Attorney Lynn E. Schiffman from the Narcotics Unit prosecuted the case.