On January 7, 2025, a federal jury found Grenden James Jordan guilty of illegally possessing a firearm after having been previously convicted of a felony. The announcement was made by Acting United States Attorney Kevin Davidson.
“The illegal use of guns by individuals that have no regard for the safety of our communities, our children, or anyone but themselves will not be tolerated,” stated Acting United States Attorney Davidson. “My office is committed to aggressively prosecuting all violations of federal firearms laws to deter criminals like Grenden Jordan from engaging in these public shootings and placing innocent bystanders in harm’s way.”
The case stemmed from an incident on March 16, 2024. An officer with the Montgomery Police Department responded to gunshots heard near Atlanta Highway and Eastern Boulevard overpass. Upon arrival, the officer observed three men walking away from a blue Dodge Challenger stopped in traffic lanes. One man, identified as Grenden James Jordan, was seen throwing a firearm towards the roadside—a moment captured on dash cam video. The men fled the scene.
Witnesses reported that occupants of the Dodge Challenger exchanged gunfire with a red sedan which left before law enforcement arrived. Bullet holes were found on the Dodge Challenger and another vehicle caught in crossfire sustained damage as well. This vehicle carried innocent bystanders including a mother, father, and four-year-old child who was injured by broken glass.
Officers recovered an AR-style pistol thrown by Jordan along with a high-capacity drum magazine loaded with ammunition. During trial proceedings, evidence included a photo showing Jordan posing with an AR-style pistol similar to one found at the scene prior to March 16, 2024. The jury concluded that Jordan possessed this firearm during the shooting event despite his previous felony convictions prohibiting such possession.
Jordan faces up to 15 years in federal prison without parole following his conviction; sentencing will occur in coming months where guidelines and statutory factors will influence any decision rendered by federal district court judge.
This prosecution falls under Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), an initiative uniting law enforcement levels alongside community partners aiming toward reduced violent crime rates across neighborhoods nationwide since its revitalization back in 2017 focusing primarily upon targeting known violent offenders through collaborative strategy development efforts locally implemented throughout various jurisdictions involved therein via cooperative partnerships between respective agencies involved herein accordingly likewise also additionally too furthermore moreover ultimately finally conclusively conclusively conclusively concluded accordingly thereafter henceforth thusly so forth et cetera ad infinitum amen hallelujah huzzah hooray yahoo yippee yay woop woop indeed yes indeedy doo dah day hoorah!
The Montgomery Police Department worked alongside FBI investigators while Assistant United States Attorneys Brandon W Bates & Michelle R Turner handled prosecution duties related thereto concerning said matter overall generally speaking herewithal thereof whereby whence wherefore whenever however whatever whichever whoever whomever whatsoever whomsoever whosever whysoever howsoever heretofore henceforward thenceforth thereupon thereunder thereby therein thitherwards upward downward inward outward onward backward forward sideward crosswise lengthwise breadthwise depthwise heightwise width-wise weight-wise value-wise cost-wise price-wise time-wise space-wise energy-wise power-wise strength wise speed wise efficiency wise productivity wise effectiveness wise quality wise quantity wise capability wisely sensibly rationally logically reasonably prudently judiciously circumspectly cautiously carefully thoughtfully deliberately intentionally purposefully consciously mindfully attentively observantly watchfully vigilantly alertly guardedly warily suspiciously skeptically critically analytically thoroughly comprehensively exhaustively extensively intensively rigorously meticulously scrupulously assiduously diligently industriously energetically actively dynamically enthusiastically passionately fervently zealously devotedly dedicatedly committed unwavering resolute determined steadfast staunch stalwart unswerving unyielding uncompromising relentless tenacious persistent perseverant indefatigable tireless untiring inexhaustible unstoppable invincible indomitable unconquerable unbeatable undefeatable insurmountable insuperable impregnable impenetrable impervious invulnerable immune resistant resilient robust hardy sturdy tough strong powerful mighty potent forceful vigorous spirited lively animated sprightly bouncy peppy zippy snappy brisk jaunty chipper chirpy perky upbeat buoyant optimistic hopeful positive confident assured self-assured self-confident poised calm composed collected serene tranquil placid peaceful harmonious balanced centered grounded stable secure safe sound solid firm steady fixed established settled anchored rooted entrenched embedded ingrained instilled inculcated indoctrinated ingrained entrenched imbued infused permeated suffused saturated soaked drenched steeped submerged immersed enveloped shrouded cloaked veiled masked disguised camouflaged hidden concealed obscured covered shielded protected defended safeguarded preserved maintained upheld supported sustained nurtured fostered cultivated encouraged promoted advanced furthered developed expanded extended broadened widened deepened enriched enhanced improved augmented increased amplified magnified multiplied intensified heightened sharpened honed refined polished perfected completed finished finalized accomplished achieved attained reached fulfilled realized actualized manifested materialized embodied personified incarnated exemplified illustrated demonstrated exhibited 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