

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

AG Moody demands answers from Biden-Harris administration over release of individuals on terror list

State AG
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Attorney General Ashley Moody | Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Ashley Moody has sent a demand for information to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas following a report by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. The report suggests that the Biden-Harris administration released nearly 100 individuals on the terrorist watchlist into the interior of the United States.

Attorney General Ashley Moody stated, “New information shows that Biden and Border Czar Harris released nearly 100 illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist into the interior. Despite this obvious danger, the Biden-Harris administration has refused to communicate with the states about where these individuals are located now. This is absolutely unacceptable, and we demand to know who is in Florida so that law enforcement here can do the job that Biden and Harris have refused to do.”

In a letter accompanying a Freedom of Information Act request addressed to DHS Secretary Mayorkas, Attorney General Moody remarked, “Following the horrific attacks on our country on September 11, 2001, the 9/11 Commission made a number of findings and recommendations regarding how to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again. Among those findings are (1) that ‘immigration . . . was not seen as a national security matter’ and (2) that law enforcement and national security agencies had a ‘weak system for processing and using’ available information and a ‘resistance to sharing information.’ It appears that, under your failed leadership, DHS has not taken those lessons to heart.”

The letter continues, “To the extent DHS is not intentionally releasing known terrorists into the interior, this new report at a minimum raises serious questions regarding DHS’s vetting and information sharing policies. For example, of the at least 99 aliens on the terrorist watchlist whom DHS released, at least 27 were ordered released by an immigration judge. If immigration judges are ordering these aliens released, it is likely because DHS does not have an adequate process to inform these judges that the aliens appearing before them are on a terrorist watchlist. Making matters worse, I have consulted with law enforcement in Florida, and it is my understanding that DHS has provided the State no information or intelligence regarding terrorists who may be present in our State. As you know, Florida is a uniquely attractive destination for illegal immigrants. It is thus likely that many of the 99 terrorists DHS released have traveled to our State. Florida is also a common destination for conferences, conventions, and other widely attended events, making our State an attractive target for terrorists.”

Due to these concerns outlined in her letter, Attorney General Moody requests detailed documentation from relevant DHS officials from January 20, 2021:

Processes for determining if an alien in DHS custody is on a terrorist watchlist;

Procedures for consulting with other law enforcement agencies regarding whether an alien is on a terrorist watchlist;

Policies for consulting with foreign governments about potential terror threats;

Methods for informing immigration judges if an alien is on the terrorist watchlist;

Processes for locating or arresting an alien on the terrorist watchlist if they are not in DHS custody;

Communications expressing concerns or criticisms about DHS’s procedures for identifying aliens on the terrorist watchlist;

Any communications with Congress regarding aliens on the terrorist watchlist who were released by DHS.

Read more details in Attorney General Moody's full letter.

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