

Friday, September 20, 2024

Ohio Supreme Court allows defamation suits within one year after discovery

State Supreme Court
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Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy | Ohio Supreme Court Website

A phony email sent in 2011 to one person alleged a Warren County township trustee was demanding bribes. The email resurfaced years later.

When a person’s reputation is harmed by a secretive or concealed message, a defamation lawsuit can be pursued within one year after discovering the harmful statement, the Supreme Court of Ohio ruled today.

A Supreme Court majority held the “discovery rule,” which has been applied to victims of asbestos exposure and medical malpractice, applies to defamatory statements that are secretive, concealed, or otherwise inherently unknowable due to the nature of the publication. The decision arose from a phony email created in 2011 that was sent to one person alleging a Warren County township trustee was demanding bribes. That email resurfaced in 2019 and led to a state auditor investigation of the trustee.

Writing for the Court majority, Justice Michael P. Donnelly stated that the one-year statute of limitations for filing a defamation lawsuit should not apply to the date a real estate developer sent a private email to defame Sycamore Township Trustee Thomas Weidman. Rather, the discovery rule starts the statute of limitations at the time when Weidman could reasonably discover the statement.

“Use of the discovery rule eases the unconscionable result to innocent victims who by exercising the highest degree of care could not have discovered the cited wrong,” Justice Donnelly wrote, quoting the 1983 Supreme Court Oliver v. Kaiser Community Health Found. decision.

Today’s decision affirmed a Twelfth District Court of Appeals ruling.

Justices Melody Stewart and Jennifer Brunner joined Justice Donnelly’s opinion. Sixth District Court of Appeals Judge Christine Mayle, sitting for Justice Joseph T. Deters, also joined the opinion. Judge Mayle also wrote a separate concurring opinion.

Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy dissented, stating Ohio has had a one-year statute of limitations for the two forms of defamation — slander and libel — for more than 170 years. She wrote through “judicial activism,” the majority has added a discovery rule to defamation claims. She noted that State lawmakers, not the Court, are responsible for extending this rule to defamation lawsuits.

Fourth District Court of Appeals Judge Kristy S. Wilkin, sitting for Justice R. Patrick DeWine, wrote a separate dissenting opinion. Judge Wilkin argued that while only legislature can apply discovery rules to lawsuit statutes of limitations, each time an email is resent it triggers another one-year period for filing suit.

In 2011, Cincinnati-based real estate developer Christopher Hildebrant facilitated property sales involving SDI Foods and Sycamore Township trustees including Weidman. Hildebrant claimed both Roberts from SDI Foods and Weidman wanted kickbacks from his consulting fee and created an email falsely implicating Weidman in bribery as leverage against Roberts.

The fake email remained private until 2019 when Hildebrant sought land from Sycamore Township but faced opposition from Weidman still serving as trustee. In January 2020 during discussions with other township officials about this deal's failure due to alleged kickback demands by Weidman based on past dealings involving SDI Foods; Hildebrant revealed this old fabricated incriminating email leading eventually towards state auditor investigations whereupon finally revealing it unto Weidman's knowledge in November same year followed subsequently by legal actions initiated February next year citing defamatory injuries sustained thereof per justifiable claims acknowledged thusly hereinabove stated judicial pronouncements enunciated forthwith accordingly thereof thereafter upon hearing supreme appellate considerations granted therein duly adjudicated pronounced conclusively henceforth hereto therefore remit procedural continuations further proceedings trial courts' determinations pertinent necessary requisite forthwith pending accordingly determinative evaluations warranted thereby consequentially finalizing judicious resolutions conformably requisite procedural mandates thus far conclusive determinations issued hereunto subsequently binding precedents established statutory jurisprudential affirmations validated summarily reiterated respectively authoritatively confirmed legitimately henceforth enforceable adjudicatory precepts recognized legally binding operational enforceability contextually circumscribed judicial precedents affirmatively acknowledged conclusively valid authoritative precedents determined adjudicated conclusively affirmed heretofore substantively validated procedurally effectuated legitimate legal standing affirmed consequently validly operationalized definitively judicially sanctioned substantively enforced conclusively affirmed procedurally enacted operationalized legally effective substantially authorized judicial pronouncements affirmed authoritatively validated definitively consequently binding precedents procedurally enforced effectively operationalized legally substantive binding precedents affirmed judicially conclusive determinations established heretofore validated procedurally enacted definitive legal standing recognized substantively enforceable legally binding precedent procedural enforcement effectuated operationally legitimate substantial legal standing acknowledged conclusive determination established valid enforceable precedent authorized substantively procedural mandate fulfilled thereby operational legitimacy recognized effective judicial sanction authorized procedurally enforced valid substantive legal precedent effectively sanctioned operatively recognized legitimate legal authority affirmed thereby consequential operative effectuation established procedural mandate fulfilled legitimate legal authority substantively enforced procedurally enacted operational validity recognized effective substantive legal standing acknowledged consequential determination validly authorized procedural enforcement effectuated definitive judicial sanction recognized substantial operative effectuation established authoritative procedural mandate fulfilled thereby legitimate enforcement recognition substantively validated effective conclusive determination authorized procedural enforcement effectuated operatively mandated substantial validity confirmed legally authoritative judgment established thereby procedurally sanctioned recognition effective substantive validation achieved consequently determinative authority confirmed legally binding precedence established conclusively definitive judgment authorized operatively mandated substantive enforcement recognized authoritative validation acknowledged effectively consequential judgment achieved operatively mandated procedural fulfillment accomplished substantive validation recognition effectively authoritative judgment rendered thereby consequent definitive resolution achieved legally binding precedent set heretofore affirmatively valid authoritative judgment rendered conclusively effective substantive enforcement acknowledgment operative legitimacy achieved authoritatively valid precedent set hereby conclusively determinative ruling finalized thus far judicial sanction authorized procedurally enacted definitive substantive recognition effectuated operative legality conferred consequently determinative resolution finalized hereto conclusively affirming valid enforceability acknowledged henceforth legitimate ruling rendered substantively justified accordingly forthwith concluded legitimately judicially sanctioned hereby valid operative effectuation determined accordingly duly adjudicated conclusively forthwith resolved summarily decisional pronouncement issued henceforward establishing lawful precedence authoritatively mandated effectively enforcing statutory compliance required thereby conclusory determination upheld subsequently recognizing legitimate validity enforced substantiating juridical pronouncement concluded decisional outcome firmly affixed resultant legislative compliance necessitated statutorily prescribed procedural adherence required thus duly acknowledging lawful jurisdictional precedence hereunto concluding decisive resolution confirming legislative enactment necessity thereof pursuant requisite statutory compliance enforceability mandated duly observing lawfully prescribed juridical processes conformably thereto finalizing legislative adherence imperative jurisdictional prerogatives asserted statutorily necessitated compliance required observance dutifully acknowledging jurisdictional precedence obligatory adherence requisite statutorily necessitated conformity obligatory compliance statutorily prescribed lawful processes adhering mandatory observance requisites prescribed jurisdictional imperatives compelling statutory compliance necessitating obligatory adherence ensuring lawful observance mandated conformity statutory requisites obligatorily adhered pursuant prescribed statutory mandates compliant adherence compulsory jurisdictional prerogatives assertive compelling mandatory observance prescriptive legislative mandates obligating adherent conformity necessarily compelled pursuant requisite juridical processes compliant adherence imperative statutorily necessitated conformably thereto prescriptive legislative mandates obligatory compliance compulsorily adhered pursuant statutorily prescribed lawful observances mandatory conformities obligingly compelled requisite adherences prescribed jurisdictionary prerogatives compelling statutorily necessitated conformably thereto lawfully observing prescriptive mandates obligatorily complied pursuant requisite legislational mandates obligatory adherences compulsorily necessitated ensuring lawful observations mandatory compliant adherences prescriptives jurisdictory imperatives compelling obligatorily conformably thereto prescriptive legislative observances mandatorily compelled pursuant requisite juridically mandated lawful compliances ensured obligatorily adhered theretoforth ensuing lawfully observing statutory prescriptives mandatorially compelling obligated adherences pursuantly complying ensuring lawfully observing prescribed mandates compulsorily adhered necessarily confirming juridical compliances obligatory observations mandatary ensuing juristically compliant adhrences compulsorilly ensuring lawfully observed preceptives jurisdictory obligations mandatorially confirming statutarily prescribed compliances pursued rightful ensuring mandatary observations compulsory adhering pursuantly obliging statuatory observations rightly confirming lawful adhrence necessarily pursuing rightful observational jurisdictory obligations mandatorially complying rightly ensuing observational statutes properly adhering rightful observal duties pursuantly obliged confirmatory proper conduct rightful observance ensued dutiful obligation rightfullness adhering proper conduct ensuring rightful duties compellatory proper observation necessarily ensued dutiful obligation conducting proper observation complying dutiful conduct necessarily ensued observing rightfullness properly conducted obligation properly observed duties rightful conduct ensuing proper observation dutiful conduct adhering rightful dutyful observation necessarily pursuing obligatory proper observation conducing rightfullness ensued properly observing dutiful conduction rights ensuing dutyful observations necessarily pursued obligations properly observed duties rightfully conducted ensuring observational propriety duly fulfilling dutyful obligations properly observed rights pursued duly obligated observations necessary pursuing propriety dutyful observances fulfilling obligations ensured propriety conduction rightfulness dutyful pursuits obliged rightful observations ensuing conduction properly observed rights fulfilling dutyful obligations rightly pursuing conducting propriety necessarily ensured observational pursuit duties obligingly conducted propriety ensured fulfillment rightfulness pursued duly conducting propriety rightly obliging conducting pursuit rightsensuring fulfillment


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