

Friday, September 20, 2024

Wisconsin AG reminds public that voter intimidation is illegal

State AG
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Attorney General Josh Kaul | Attorney General Josh Kaul Office

Wisconsin Department of Justice Working to Protect Fair Elections

Aug 6, 2024

AG Kaul Issues Reminder: Intimidating Voters and Threatening Election Workers is Illegal

MADISON, Wis. – Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul today issued a reminder that voter intimidation and threats to election workers are against the law.

“Free and fair elections are foundational to our democracy,” said Attorney General Kaul. “We’re committed to ensuring that the right to vote and the safety and security of our elections are protected.”

The DOJ’s Division of Criminal Investigation staffs the Wisconsin State Intelligence Center (WSIC). WSIC facilitates intelligence and information sharing with federal, state, local, tribal, and campus law enforcement partners along with fire service, emergency management, public health, military, and private sector agencies. WSIC is prepared to identify significant threats to Wisconsin elections, including but not limited to threats against election administrators or election interference, foreign or domestic.

Wisconsin DOJ is available as a resource to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, law enforcement, and district attorneys. The department will be communicating with law enforcement and prosecutors regarding relevant election laws.

Voter Intimidation & Threats to Election Officials

Voter intimidation is a crime. Wisconsin law prohibits anyone from using or threatening force to compel someone to vote, keep them from voting, or influence their voting decision. It also prohibits using duress or fraud to impede or prevent someone from freely exercising their right to vote.

Threatening behavior toward election officials is also a crime. Wisconsin law prohibits anyone from threatening death or bodily harm intending to cause or creating an unreasonable risk of causing public panic or fear or interrupting government operations, including the electoral process. Additionally, it prohibits refusing lawful orders of polling place inspectors, engaging in disorderly behavior at polling places, or disturbing voting proceedings.

The law not only prohibits individuals from taking these actions personally but also prevents them from having third parties do so.

Unlawful intimidation can take many forms depending on incident specifics. Examples include:

- Verbal threats of violence;

- Confronting voters or officials in military-style uniforms;

- Brandishing firearms intimidatingly near polling places;

- Aggressively approaching voters’ cars;

- Following voters within polling places;

- Patrolling voting lines while armed;

- Disorderly behavior near polling places;

- Preventing access through threats.

It is illegal under state and federal law for private groups to conduct law enforcement or military activities.

What To Do If You Witness Voter Intimidation Or Threats To Election Workers:

If you witness or experience election intimidation or threats:

1. Alert an election official.

2. Call local law enforcement immediately.

3. If threatened with violence: call 911.


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