

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Peruvian national pleads guilty in $15 million transnational fraud scheme targeting immigrants

Attorneys & Judges
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Merrick B. Garland Attorney General at U.S. Department of Justice | Official Website

A Peruvian national pleaded guilty today for his participation in a transnational mail and wire fraud conspiracy.

According to court documents, Jose Alejandro Zuñiga Cano, 40, of Lima, Peru, was the operator of a Peruvian call center that defrauded and extorted Spanish-speaking U.S. residents by falsely threatening them with arrest, court proceedings, and immigration consequences. Zuñiga was extradited from Peru in March to face charges related to the scheme.

Zuñiga is the 12th defendant to be convicted in connection with a $15 million transnational fraud scheme that defrauded and threatened Spanish-speaking U.S. consumers, claiming they would suffer legal consequences if they did not pay for English-language learning products they never requested. The scheme was responsible for defrauding more than 30,000 Spanish-speaking residents of the United States. Many of the victims were recent immigrants who had expressed interest in learning English.

The 12 defendants include eight Peruvian call center owner-operators and four distribution center owner-operators who processed payments, distributed products, and facilitated the fraud in the United States. Many of the defendants shared strategies on how to defraud Spanish-speaking residents of the United States.

“The Justice Department’s Consumer Protection Branch is dedicated to protecting vulnerable U.S. consumers from fraudsters, including those who reside beyond our borders,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “Individuals who defraud our immigrant communities will be brought to justice and held accountable in U.S. courts.”

“The long arm of the American justice system has no limits when it comes to reaching fraudsters who prey on our nation’s most vulnerable populations, to include the elderly and recent immigrants,” said U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida. “We will not allow transnational criminals to use fear tactics and intimidation to steal money from the public we serve. Individuals who defraud American consumers will be brought to justice, no matter where they are located.”

“This investigation attests that justice will be pursued relentlessly to protect U.S. consumers,” said Inspector in Charge Juan A. Vargas of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) Miami Field Division. “The U.S. Postal Inspection Service, Justice Department’s Consumer Protection Branch and the U.S. Attorney’s Office worked steadfastly to uphold the integrity of our legal system and the postal system. Today’s 12th conviction should send a strong message to those who exploit the mail for criminal use. You will be brought to justice.”

According to court documents, Zuñiga owned and operated a call center in Lima that placed unsolicited calls to Spanish-speaking consumers in the United States and falsely claimed that they had won or qualified for free products, including computer tablets and English language courses. On later calls, Zuñiga and his co-conspirators falsely claimed that victims were contractually obligated to pay large sums to receive these products.

Zuñiga and his co-conspirators impersonated lawyers, court officials, police officers, and representatives of a supposed “minor crimes court” to intimidate victims into sending payments by threatening them with court proceedings, arrest, or immigration consequences if they did not comply.

Victims who paid were later re-victimized by Zuñiga through a related restitution scheme where he posed as lawyers for a U.S. court promising restitution payments if additional fees were paid upfront.

Today Zuñiga pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud; he faces up to 20 years in prison with sentencing scheduled for Oct 10.

Zuñiga is among eight defendants extradited from Peru pleading guilty under federal jurisdiction related directly or indirectly through fraudulent activities stemming from Peruvian-based call centers aimed at Spanish-speaking US residents over several years spanning back till early last decade onwards till now which led Judge Robert N Scola Jr sentence Henrry Milla Carlos Espinoza Jerson Renteria Fernan Huerta Omar Cuzcano Evelyng Milla Josmell Espinoza sentences ranging between88 months upto110months whereas Judge Patricia Seitz sentenced Luis Rendon US distribution centre facilitator involved substantially too65months March2023 recently too

USPIS alongside CPB conducted investigations furthered prosecutorial efforts via Senior Trial Attorney Transnational Criminal Litigation Coordinator Phil Toomajian alongside Trial Attorney Carolyn Rice CPB supported asset forfeiture handled under Annika Miranda AUSA SDFla critical inter-agency coordination provided FTC DOJ OIA USAO SDFla State Dept DSS USMS PNP crucial assistance coordinated successfully bringing numerous charges ongoing similarly across multiple jurisdictions globally within remit DOJ continues investigating prosecuting threats specifically targeting predominantly Hispanic demographics nationwide consistently ensuring protection against exploitation elder/vulnerable sections particularly

Hotline available elderly aged60+experiencing financial scams National Elder Fraud Hotline1-833-FRAUD11 operational Mon-Fri10am6pmET multilingual support tailored case-specific advice next steps connecting appropriate agencies reporting recovery likelihood increased timely reports authorities

Further information consumer protection initiatives elder justice enforcement online resources available respective websites detailed contact numbers ensure wider awareness prevent recurrence fraudulent activities ensuring systemic deterrence effective safeguarding mechanisms proactively



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