

Monday, September 23, 2024

Attorney General Paxton appeals dismissal of lawsuit against border NGO

State AG
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Attorney General Ken Paxton | Facebook Website

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced his intention to appeal the dismissal of a lawsuit aimed at closing Annunciation House, a nongovernmental organization (NGO) accused of facilitating illegal immigration.

In December 2022, Governor Greg Abbott requested that the Office of the Attorney General investigate NGOs involved in "planning and facilitating the illegal transportation of illegal immigrants across our borders." Following this request, the Office of the Attorney General began investigating multiple NGOs for alleged illegal activities.

The investigation revealed that Annunciation House stands out among these organizations. According to court admissions by Annunciation House, its employees enter Mexico to retrieve individuals who have been denied entry by Border Patrol and bring them into the United States. The organization's website describes it as "the primary receiving site for refugees who have fallen from the border wall." Additionally, its Executive Director admitted under oath that law enforcement is not allowed into the facility because their presence would "frighten" the illegal aliens.

Earlier this year, after concluding its investigation, the Office of the Attorney General requested a district judge in El Paso to enjoin Annunciation House's operations. The judge described it as "outrageous and intolerable" that such an investigation was conducted and accused the Office of targeting Annunciation House due to its "support for the Catholic Church," an assertion unsupported by evidence.

"For too long, Annunciation House has flouted the law and contributed to the worsening illegal immigration crisis at Texas’s border with Mexico," said Attorney General Paxton. "I am appealing this case and will continue to vigorously enforce the law against any NGO engaging in criminal conduct."

To read the filing, click here.


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