

Friday, June 21, 2024

Legislation passed enhancing civil rights protections under IHRA

State AG
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Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul | Ballotpedia

Attorney General Raoul and Illinois Department of Human Rights Applaud Passage of Legislation to Enhance Civil Rights Protections

Chicago – Attorney General Kwame Raoul and the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) applauded the General Assembly’s approval of legislation amending the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) to clarify and strengthen its protections.

“The Illinois Human Rights Act is an important tool for combating discrimination,” Raoul said. “I thank the sponsor and members of the General Assembly for approving these updates to the act, which will allow my office to enhance our efforts protecting the people of Illinois by strengthening enforcement against bad actors and improving processes. I remain committed to defending the civil rights of all Illinois residents.”

House Bill (HB) 5371 is the result of collaborative efforts between the Attorney General’s office and IDHR, both of which enforce the state’s Human Rights Act.

“Illinois leads the nation in protections against discrimination and hate,” said IDHR Director Jim Bennett. “This bill will ensure the Illinois Human Rights Act continues to provide one of the most comprehensive sets of civil rights protections in the country. It will also safeguard Illinoisans’ ability to report discrimination and hate without fear of retribution.”

The legislation aims to enhance civil rights protections for people in Illinois and provide important clarifications to existing law. Specifically, it will:

- Align definitions with federal fair housing law.

- Strengthen relief in discriminatory pattern-and-practice determinations by clarifying “per violation” terms and increasing maximum penalty amounts available in court.

- Clarify that aggrieved parties have a right to take action to collect judgments, even if they do not intervene in state enforcement actions.

- Ensure confidential reporting of discrimination and hate incidents through helplines administered by IDHR and the Illinois Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes.

HB 5371 will also reduce redundancies and improve enforcement processes. State Sen. Laura Fine sponsored the bill in the Senate, while State Rep. Ann Williams sponsored it in the House. The bill now awaits approval from Governor J.B. Pritzker.

“This measure makes important clarifications to enhance protections against discrimination in housing and employment, aiding in successful implementation of IDHR’s new hate crimes hotline,” Fine stated.

“HB 5371 cuts red tape, helping victims collect judgments they are entitled to but have historically struggled or failed to obtain," Williams remarked. "This will make a real difference in victims' lives."

The Illinois Attorney General’s office remains committed to protecting civil rights statewide, granted authority under IHRA to investigate systemic problems or incidents known as “patterns or practices” of discrimination, filing suits as necessary for remedies. To file a complaint regarding such issues, contact their Civil Rights Bureau at 877-581-3692 or via email at civilrights@ilag.gov.

IDHR focuses on securing freedom from unlawful discrimination for all residents within Illinois. Individuals believing they are victims can file charges with IDHR within 300 days from an incident date or within one year for housing violations by calling (312) 814-6200 or visiting dhr.illinois.gov/filing-a-charge. Reports on hate incidents can be made by calling (877) 458-4283 or visiting cdhc.illinois.gov/report-hate.


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