

Friday, July 5, 2024

Attorney General Carr promotes Better Hearing and Speech Month

State Supreme Court
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Attorney General Chris Carr | Official Website

Attorney General Chris Carr is observing Better Hearing and Speech Month this May by emphasizing the significance of regular hearing tests and providing advice for individuals contemplating the acquisition of a hearing aid.

"We encourage all consumers, particularly older Georgians, to consult with a medical professional and do their research before purchasing any sort of medical device or product to address hearing loss or other common health concerns," Carr stated.

In 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) created a new regulatory category for over-the-counter hearing aids. This category also includes medically prescribed hearing aids fitted by an audiologist or doctor, as well as personal sound amplification products. With the FDA's recent ruling, consumers may not understand the differences in uses or return and refund policies between over-the-counter hearing aids and more traditional devices.

It's worth noting that untreated hearing loss can affect other aspects of a person’s health and well-being. The use of hearing aids may help mitigate risks associated with aging, such as dementia, depression, and falls.

The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division offers these tips for those considering purchasing a hearing aid:

- Consult with a medical professional like an ear, nose and throat specialist (otolaryngologist), ear specialist (otologist), or any licensed physician. These professionals can advise on proper hearing aid usage, potential risks, and screen for underlying conditions contributing to hearing loss.

- Check the Better Business Bureau’s website (bbb.org) to ensure you are purchasing from a trusted source.

- Understand what services come with your purchase. Get all terms in writing including price coverage, extra charges, warranties, and refund policies.

- If you have hearing loss, consider that a personal sound amplification device or over-the-counter hearing aid might not be suitable. These products are less expensive but can further impair hearing if misused.

- Stay informed about hearing aid regulations by visiting the FDA’s website.


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