

Friday, September 27, 2024

Attorney General Adds Tampa General Hospital to 100 Percent Club on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

State AG
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Attorney General Ashley Moody | Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

On National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, Attorney General Ashley Moody announced the addition of Tampa General Hospital (TGH) to the 100 Percent Club. The club recognizes businesses that train employees to identify and report human trafficking. TGH is the first hospital to join this initiative.

Studies have shown that over 88% of human trafficking victims come into contact with the healthcare system while being trafficked. Recognizing the importance of medical professionals in identifying and helping victims, TGH's medical staff has now been trained to spot and report signs of trafficking.

Attorney General Moody emphasized the significance of TGH's participation, stating, "Human trafficking harms victims in various ways—with most seeking medical care at some point during their captivity. That is why it is so important that doctors, nurses, and medical staff know how to spot and report human trafficking. I am pleased to announce on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day that we have added our first Florida hospital to our 100 Percent Club, and the staff at Tampa General Hospital will now be trained to be our eyes and ears to help victims escape captivity."

Tampa General Hospital President and CEO, John Couris, expressed the hospital's commitment to combatting human trafficking, saying, "Through information and training, we're working to equip our team with the knowledge to act when we come across a victim and engage law enforcement to respond. We're proud to partner with Attorney General Ashley Moody on this important effort."

With over 780,000 patients seen annually, TGH plays a significant role in providing care to the community. More than 8,000 hospital staff members pass by signage daily on how to report human trafficking. Additionally, the hospital's Clinical Education Department will place informational signage throughout the facility to ensure visitors and trafficking victims in need of medical care know how to seek help.

The Attorney General's Office of Statewide Prosecution will provide specialized human trafficking prevention training to TGH's surgical staff, instructing them on how to interact with identified victims.

Attorney General Moody launched the 100 Percent Club in 2022 to recognize companies that proactively train employees on the signs of human trafficking. To join the club, companies commit to providing this training to employees and issuing a quick-reference guide on reporting human trafficking.

To learn more about the signs of human trafficking and where to report suspicious activity, visit YouCanStopHT.com.

To find out more, go to this link: https://www.myfloridalegal.com/newsrelease/video-national-human-trafficking-awareness-day-attorney-general-moody-adds-first


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