

Friday, September 27, 2024

AG Moody Demands ACC Release ESPN Agreement and Other Public Records at Center of FSU’s Case to Leave Conference

State AG
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Attorney General Ashley Moody | Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Attorney General Ashley Moody of Florida has issued a public records request to the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), demanding the immediate release of public records that are currently being withheld from Florida State University (FSU). The documents in question include the conference's "ESPN Agreement" and several other agreements, amendments, and crucial documents that are central to FSU's legal battle to leave the ACC.

The ACC has been refusing to hand over these documents and instead insists that FSU officials travel to North Carolina to view them in secret and under ACC supervision. Attorney General Moody argues that this refusal is unlawful and that the documents should be considered public records, as dictated by both North Carolina and Florida state laws. She states, "Today, I am taking action to ensure FSU and the public are able to review these agreements."

The agreements and amendments in question are of great significance to FSU's case to leave the ACC, as they form the basis for a reported $572 million in forfeited media rights, unreimbursed broadcast fees, and a conference exit fee. These agreements were entered into by ACC officials on behalf of the member schools, and FSU does not have copies of or access to these public records. The release of these records is crucial for FSU's legal argument and could have a significant financial impact on the state school.

In response to the ACC's refusal to produce the agreements, Attorney General Moody has demanded the following documents through the public records request:

- Executed copy of the Multi-Media Agreement between the ACC and ESPN

- Executed copy of the 2014 Amended Multi-Media Agreement

- Executed copy of the ACC Grant of Rights Agreement

- Any other executed agreements referred to as the "ESPN Agreement"

- Any other executed agreements between the ACC and the Walt Disney Company

Attorney General Moody has set a deadline of 10 days for the ACC to provide these records. She emphasizes that these public records are readily accessible and should be handed over promptly.

The full text of Attorney General Moody's public records request can be found [here](link).

This move by Attorney General Moody underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in matters involving public institutions. It also highlights the potential financial implications for FSU and the broader public if these documents are not released and properly examined. The outcome of this legal battle will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the future of FSU's affiliation with the ACC.

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For additional details, please follow this link: https://www.myfloridalegal.com/newsrelease/ag-moody-demands-acc-release-espn-agreement-and-other-public-records-center-fsus-case


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