

Saturday, September 28, 2024

AG Moody Takes Scathing Statewide Grand Jury Report to D.C. and Works with Congressional Leaders to Give States Authority to Enforce Immigration Laws

State AG
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Attorney General Ashley Moody | Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Attorney General Ashley Moody of Florida has taken the Statewide Grand Jury Report to Washington, D.C. to meet with congressional leaders and discuss legislation that would allow states to enforce federal immigration laws. During her visit, Attorney General Moody met with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Congressman Carlos Gimenez, Congresswoman Laurel Lee, and Congressman Chip Roy to deliver copies of the report and H.R. 1337, the Immigration Enforcement Partnership Act.

In the meeting, Attorney General Moody expressed her concerns about the current state of immigration and the Biden administration's handling of border security. She stated, "Despite the Biden administration's countless claims that the border is secure, our immigration litigation, multiple congressional hearings, this damning grand jury report, and frankly our own eyes, show that is not true. The border is wide-open, and this derelict president refuses to fix it." Attorney General Moody emphasized the need for states to have the authority to protect their citizens in the absence of federal action.

The Statewide Grand Jury Report, released by Attorney General Moody last week, highlights the impact of Biden's immigration policies on the surge of individuals at the U.S. Southwest border. The report reveals that during fiscal year 2022, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol encountered over 3 million aliens, with only a third of them being denied entry. The report also details how cartels are exploiting the CBP One app to profit from illegal entry into the country.

According to the report, approximately 1 million individuals currently residing in Florida are in the country illegally. Attorney General Moody has been leading efforts to address the immigration crisis, including leading a 26-state coalition of attorneys general in pushing for the Immigration Enforcement Partnership Act. This legislation would authorize state attorneys general to request that the Department of Homeland Security fulfill certain duties related to immigration enforcement.

In a letter to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Attorney General Moody expressed the urgent need for action, stating, "It is becoming clear that the judicial system is not an adequate battlefield to quickly address the urgent crisis Biden has created." She emphasized the importance of giving states the authority to enforce immigration laws and prevent future records of CBP encounters at the border.

Attorney General Moody's visit to Washington, D.C. and her meetings with congressional leaders are crucial steps in advancing legislation that would empower states to take action on immigration enforcement. The Statewide Grand Jury Report and H.R. 1337 serve as important resources to inform and shape the conversation around border security and immigration policy.

For additional details, please follow this link: https://www.myfloridalegal.com/newsrelease/ag-moody-takes-scathing-statewide-grand-jury-report-dc-and-works-congressional-leaders


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