

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Attorney General Moody Demands Congress Stop Diverting Funds from Crime Victims and Pass the Fairness for Crime Victims Act

State AG
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Attorney General Ashley Moody | Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody

Attorney General Ashley Moody has called on the U.S. Congress to cease diverting funds from the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and instead pass the Fairness for Crime Victims Act. The VOCA-funded state-victim assistance grants are vital in providing crucial services and support to victims of crime, such as emergency shelter, crisis intervention, and counseling. However, there has been a significant decrease in collections, resulting in fewer funds available for distribution to states.

In a letter addressed to congressional leaders, Attorney General Moody emphasized the urgency of passing the Fairness for Crime Victims Act to ensure that states can adequately support and provide resources to crime victims. She stated, "VOCA grants are a vital tool that states can use to provide services and support to victims of crime, but because Congress is diverting funds elsewhere, funds allocated for victims have sharply decreased. Congress must pass the Fairness for Crime Victims Act to make sure that those injured by crime can receive much-needed assistance."

The issue of diverting funds from the VOCA program dates back to 2000 when Congress implemented an annual cap on expenditure. This cap aimed to establish a stable, long-term funding stream, safeguarding against fluctuations and deposits. However, Congress has misused this cap by redirecting excess funds to unrelated programs, neglecting the needs of crime victims. If Congress had not diverted these funds, the VOCA fund would currently hold billions of dollars, making a decrease in the cap unnecessary to address temporary downturns in collections.

According to the letter, Florida alone will have approximately $37,000,000 less to distribute this fiscal year and approximately $77,000,000 less to distribute in fiscal year 2024 compared to fiscal year 2022. These reductions will force Florida to make difficult choices when granting funds, potentially impacting the services provided to crime victims.

To address this issue, S.2661, also known as the Fairness for Crime Victims Act of 2023, has been introduced. This legislation establishes budget points of order in the House and Senate against considering provisions in appropriations legislation that would cause a decrease in the amount available for obligation from the Crime Victims Fund. The Act aims to prevent further diversion of funds and ensure a more stable and reliable funding source for crime victim support.

The letter concludes by urging Congress to pass S.2661 and take additional actions to rectify the harm caused by previous irresponsible behavior. Attorney General Moody emphasizes that the choices being made and their impact on crime victims could have been avoided if Congress had been willing to live within its means.

The full letter can be accessed [here](link).

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Click this link to access more information: https://www.myfloridalegal.com/newsrelease/attorney-general-moody-demands-congress-stop-diverting-funds-crime-victims-and-pass


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