

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Lawyers hope to represent disappointed burger-eaters at Wendy's and McDonald's


From the complaint

BROOKLYN, N.Y. (Legal Newsline) - Burgers at Wendy's and McDonald's are too small, a class action lawsuit against the fast-food chains alleges.

Plaintiff Justin Chimienti filed the case in New York federal case on May 17, alleging false advertising on the part of the two corporate giants. It also alleges the burgers do not contain the amount of ingredients or toppings they claim.

The suit includes pictures of advertised burgers, as well as actual purchased ones.

"The beef patties that Wendy's uses for its advertisements are not fully cooked to make it appear that they are approximately 15-20% larger than the beef patties that are actually served to customers," the suit says.

"In general, meat shrinks 25% when cooked. A food stylist for Wendy's has admitted that she tricks and deceives customers by using undercooked patties in burger advertisements."

The suit cites Ellie Stern's comments in an article on moneytalksnews.com titled "How they make fast food look good."

Toppings are also overstated in advertisements, the suit says. It goes on to mention several online reviews disappointed with the chains' burgers who posted pictures that can be seen here.

James C. Kelly of New York, Anthony Russo of Delray Beach, Fla., and Mark Anthony Panzavecchia of New Jersey are the lawyers pursuing the case.

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