
News published on Legal Newsline in May 2010


Saturday, March 29, 2025

News from May 2010

Democrats go at each other in Calif. AG race

By John O'Brien |
Kelly SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Legal Newsline) - California Attorney General-hopeful Chris Kelly has been selling his stock in Facebook to finance his campaign, and his opponent is calling for an investigation.

Conn. Republican ends U.S. Senate campaign

By Ashton Daigle |
Simmons HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Former Connecticut Rep. Rob Simmons announced on Tuesday that he is suspending his U.S. Senate campaign.

AG Suthers: Movie monopoly averted by settlement

By Keith Loria |
Suthers DENVER (Legal Newsline) - Colorado Attorney General John Suthers has reached an agreement with a prominent movie theater group over its proposed acquisition of another local theater group.

Commentary says Blumenthal's Vietnam response lacking

By John O'Brien |
Proft CHICAGO (Legal Newsline) - Dan Proft, a political commentator and former candidate for governor in Illinois, is not satisfied with Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's initial explanation of his false claims of serving in Vietnam.

Woman files another suit against Oprah

By Kyla Asbury |
Winfrey CHARLESTON, W.Va. (Legal Newsline) - A Charleston woman is suing Oprah Winfrey again, this time claiming the talk show host took funds from her Social Security account and deposited them into the U.S. Treasury.

Criminal probe needed in Calif. kickback scheme, Eastman says

By John O'Brien |
Eastman SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Legal Newsline) - California Attorney General-hopeful John Eastman recently said current AG Jerry Brown had a questionable reason for stopping short of criminal charges against the former CEO of the state's public pension fund.

Defense begins in case against hospital over Katrina-related death

By Alejandro de los Rios |
Di Leo NEW ORLEANS (Legal Newsline) - Defense testimony got off to a rocky start Monday in a liability suit involving a patient who died in a New Orleans East hospital that had lost power during Hurricane Katrina.

AG King loses at bingo

By Nick Rees |
King MONTGOMERY, Ala. (Legal Newsline) - Alabama Attorney General Troy King is disappointed over a state Supreme Court ruling that allows the governor's Task Force on Illegal Gambling to challenge the legality of electronic bingo within the state.

GOP favors Dean in Conn. AG race

By Ashton Daigle |
Dean HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Martha Dean won the Republican nomination for the Connecticut attorney general race during the GOP's nominating convention Saturday.

Calif. justice growing tired of judicial elections

By John O'Brien |
Chin SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Legal Newsline) - California Supreme Court Justice Ming Chin may soon be a proponent of eliminating judicial elections, he said last week during a hearing held by the Assembly Judiciary Committee.

Vt. gas station to pay $35K to state

By Keith Loria |
MONTPELIER, Vt. (Legal Newsline) - A South Burlington, Vt., gas station will pay the state $35,000 in civil penalties as part of a settlement for an alleged gasoline leak from an underground storage tank that contaminated the soil and groundwater at the station.

Kansas City settles dirty water lawsuit with state

By Keith Loria |
Koster JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Legal Newsline) - The city of Kansas City has agreed to pay $255,000 in penalties for clean water violations in a settlement announced by Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster on Monday.

Coakley to judge: Find landfill owner in contempt

By Keith Loria |
Coakley BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley has asked a Superior Court judge to find the owner of a landfill in contempt of court for failing to meet the requirements of a 2009 judgment and a 2010 court ruling.

Federal government sued over BP spill

By Michelle Massey |
NEW ORLEANS (Legal Newsline) - The Sierra Club and the Gulf Restoration Network are accusing the Department of Interior's Minerals Management Service of contributing to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by waiving safety regulations for oil explorations.

N.J. AG settles with four auto dealers

By Keith Loria |
Dow NEWARK, N.J. (Legal Newsline) - New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow announced Friday that four auto dealerships will pay $175,000 to resolve allegations that they violated the state's Consumer Fraud Act and Motor Vehicle Advertising Regulations.

Cuomo running for governor, leads by wide margin

By John O'Brien |
Cuomo NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) - New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo officially announced his candidacy for governor Saturday, and a poll released Monday says he might have little trouble winning.

Prominent Ala. attorney files another BP class action

By Ashton Daigle |
Beasley MONTGOMERY, Ala. (Legal Newsline) - Alabama plaintiffs firm Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles has filed another class action lawsuit against BP and other companies related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

AAJ behind auto safety bill

By John O'Brien |
Rockefeller WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) - The nation's trial lawyers are supporting new motor vehicle legislation, while one commentator says they are doing so because it will result in more litigation.

Debt collector barred from doing business

By Keith Loria |
Suthers DENVER (Legal Newsline) - A Denver-based debt collection company has been barred from collecting debts in the state, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers announced on Friday.

City's stance on medical marijuana threatens right to safety, suit says

By John O'Brien |
Traudt SANTA ANA, Calif. (Legal Newsline) - An epileptic blind woman also stricken with cerebral palsy is suing the city of Dana Point, Calif., over its attempt to close the collective where she receives medical marijuana.