
News published on Legal Newsline in December 2009


Monday, March 31, 2025

News from December 2009

Schweitzer makes Supreme Court appointment

By Chris Rizo |
HELENA, Mont. (Legal Newsline)-Attorney Mike Wheat has been appointed to fill the upcoming Supreme Court vacancy, the governor's office said.

Oregon AG's car burglarized, briefcase stolen

By Chris Rizo |
John Kroger (D) PORTLAND, Ore. (Legal Newsline) - Oregon Attorney General John Kroger's car was broken into early Tuesday outside the Democrat's southwest Portland home.

Settlement approved over discharge of pollutants into Wisconsin stream‏

By Nick Rees |
J.B. Van Hollen (R) MADISON, Wis. (Legal Newsline) - Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen has announced that a construction has agreed to pay $12,000 resulting from the unlawful discharge of pollutants into the waters of a stream that flows into Rocky Creek in Woody County in 2008.

Senate approves mammoth health care bill

By Chris Rizo |
Harry Reid (D-Nev.) WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) -- A $871 billion health care overhaul bill passed the U.S. Senate Thursday morning, giving President Barack Obama the cornerstone of his domestic policy agenda.

N.J. condo association agrees to settlement over discrimination‏

By Nick Rees |
TRENTON, N.J. (Legal Newsline) - A former resident of an Ocean county condominium association has been paid $24,000 to settle allegations that it unlawfully discriminated against the resident by refusing to move her assigned parking space closer to her u nit despite a doctor's letter that indicated it was medically warranted.

Life insurance company to change sale of annuities following settlement‏

By Nick Rees |
Lori Swanson (D) ST. PAUL, Minn. (Legal Newsline) - Attorney General Lori Swanson has announced a settlement with a life insurance company and its affiliate over the sale of deferred annuities to Minnesota senior citizens.

Suit filed against insurance co. for deceptive fees‏

By Nick Rees |
Martha Coakley (D) BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - Attorney General Martha Coakley has filed a lawsuit against a Peabody, Mass.-based insurance agency, its agents and its owners for undisclosed agency fees that is misrepresented as insurance premiums charged to customers.

Alaska gov. asks AG to intervene to allow off-shore oil exploration‏

By Nick Rees |
JUNEAU, Alaska (Legal Newsline) - Attorney General Dan Sullivan has received a request from Gov. Sean Parnell to intervene in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold a federal decision that allows the Shell oil company to proceed with exploration for off-shore oil.

Wis. AG issues opinion on press access to Web site run by elected official‏

By Nick Rees |
J.B. Van Hollen (R) MADISON, Wis. (Legal Newsline) - An informal opinion has been issued by Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen that concludes that the contents of a Google group Web site called "Making Salem Better," maintained by the Salem Town Chair, is a public record and that materials from the website should be made available for inspection upon request.

Kroger announces settlement with Kellogg

By Chris Rizo |
John Kroger (D) SALEM, Ore. (Legal Newsline)-Kellogg Company has agreed to donate nearly 500,000 boxes of cereal to organizations that feed the hungry as part of a settlement with the Oregon attorney general over questionable product marketing allegations.

Ohio AG wades into carp fight

By Chris Rizo |
Richard Cordray (D) COLUMBUS, Ohio (Legal Newsline) - Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray joined his counterpart in Michigan on Friday, asking the U.S. Supreme Court to help stop the migration of invasive Asian carp into the Great Lakes.

Senate health care deal draws Republican AGs' ire

By Chris Rizo |
John Suthers (R-Colo.) WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline)-A group of Republican state attorneys general say they are considering possible legal action over a deal that got Senate Democrats their final 60th vote on a federal health care overhaul.

Texas AG files for reelection

By Chris Rizo |
Greg Abbott (R) AUSTIN, Texas (Legal Newsline)-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott on Tuesday filed papers for reelection.

Proposal to provide restitution for oil heating consumers

By Nick Rees |
Richard Blumenthal (D) HARTFORD, Conn. (Legal Newsline) - Oil company customers who are owed heating oil or money following the March 2008 of F&S Oil Co. could see some relief following Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's submission of a proposed settlement to the court that will provide approximately $1 million in restitution.

One of the nation's largest power producers agrees to cut emissions‏

By Nick Rees |
Andrew Cuomo (D) NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) - New York and a coalition of states have joined the U.S. Department of Justice and environmental groups in reaching a settlement with one of the nation's largest power producers to reduce air pollution emissions and pay for environmental projects in New York, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has announced.

Florida AG sues to shut down mortgage modification scheme‏

By Nick Rees |
Bill McCollum (R) TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - Three businesses operating in Miami-Dade County, their principles and affiliated attorneys are the subject of a lawsuit filed by Attorney Bill McCollum that alleges deceptive and unfair trade practices stemming from a foreclosure rescue scam that is affecting homeowners nationwide.

Tenn. AG urged to sue if health care bill passes Congress

By Chris Rizo |
Bob Cooper (D) NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Legal Newsline)- Tennessee Attorney General Bob Cooper should be prepared to sue the federal government if Congress approves a health care overhaul that appears headed for passage, two state legislators said.

OppenheimerFunds reaches $77 million settlement with Illinois

By Chris Rizo |
Lisa Madigan (D) SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Legal Newsline)-Illinois will receive a $77.2 million refund from OppenheimerFunds Inc. from losses to the state's 529 college savings plan, state Attorney General Lisa Madigan said Tuesday.

AG Swanson named Top Ten Lawyer

By Chris Rizo |
Lori Swanson (D) ST. PAUL, Minn. (Legal Newsline)-Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson has been selected as one of Lawyer USA's Top Ten Lawyers of the Year.

Indictments handed down to six for Boston real estate scam‏

By Nick Rees |
BOSTON (Legal Newsline) - Indictments against three real estate investors, two mortgage brokers and a former local attorney resulting from a scheme to defraud homeowners and mortgage lenders in real estate transactions involving two distressed properties were handed down by a Suffolk County Grand Jury.