
Stories by Jonathan Bilyk on Legal Newsline


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Jonathan Bilyk News

Biz groups, Dems announce deal to reform law that spawned thousands of 'shakedown' suits vs employers

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Under the deal to reform the Private Attorney General Act, a coalition of business groups would agree to withdraw a ballot measure that would have largely gutted PAGA. Reports showed PAGA generated lawsuits worth $10B in payouts from employers in the past 10 years, with big money for lawyers, little real benefit for workers

Appeals court: CA Democrats didn't violate Constitution by tailoring AB5 to target Uber, others

By Jonathan Bilyk |
An earlier court had ruled the law unconstitutional because lawmakers had demonstrated 'impermissible animus and political favoritism' in forcing Uber and similar companies to potentially face massive financial risk under a new stringent test to determine if drivers should be treated as contractors or employees, while exempting hosts of others

Cook County jury rejects claims that Zantac caused woman's colon cancer

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Drugmakers GSK and Boehringer Ingelman said the verdict in their favor in the first ever trial on the question further exposes the questionable science behind the alleged testing they say falsely showed a link between cancer and ranitidine, the active ingredient formerly in Zantac

Homeservices of America to pay $250M to settle real estate commission antitrust lawsuits

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Attorneys could stand to rake in more than $80 million in fees from the new deal, meaning plaintiffs' lawyers could be in line for more than $300 million in fees from multiple settlements worth more than $940 million so far, with potentially more on the way.

Privacy class action firms jockey for control of 23andMe data breach claims; Edelson calls for new approach

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Data privacy class action firm Edelson P.C. is seeking to control 40 class actions, potentially worth huge money, against 23andMe for allegedly allowing genetic info to be stolen in a data breach. In a new filing, Edelson is asking courts to reconsider how they decide which lawyers should lead

SCOTUS: CA appeal court wrong to block man from suing El Dorado County over $23K 'traffic fees' for one house

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The U.S. Supreme Court took to task the California Third District Court of Appeals for ruling that the Fifth Amendment's prohibition on property takings doesn't apply to permit fee schemes enacted by legislatures, like the El Dorado County Board.

Meta can't escape class action claiming Facebook 'Potential Reach' for ads misled advertisers

By Jonathan Bilyk |
A majority on a split panel of the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said it should only matter that Facebook allegedly inflated the "Potential Reach" of "boosted" ads, not by how much individual advertisers may have been misled, if at all

Realtors to pay $418M to end home seller commission class action; Big changes coming to home sale process

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Lawyers who brought the lawsuits could be in for a big payday, as well, potentially claiming $140 million from the deal, plus $69 million from earlier settlements with large real estate brokerages facing similar claims of alleged collusion to boost real estate agent commissions

IL Supreme Court: Hockey club that rents ice arena can be sued under IL human rights law for 'banishing' teen diagnosed with depression

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The Illinois Supreme Court says the teen's mental health diagnoses mean she could be protected by the IL Human Rights Act's anti-discrimination provisions protecting access to "places of public accommodation." Objectors contended such reasoning could open broad range of private organizations to lawsuits, violating First Amendment

Supreme Court boots ballot challenges to Trump, says states can't block presidential candidates under 14th Amend

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The unanimous ruling strikes down rulings from Democratic judges in Colorado and Cook County, which had declared individual states have the power under the Fourteenth Amendment to block "insurrectionists" from seeking federal office

San Diego judge slashes 90% off $332M verdict awarded to man in Roundup trial

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The judge said $325 million in punitive damages was excessive, compared to the $7 million in compensatory damages the jury awarded plaintiff Mike Dennis. The judge cut punitive damages to $21 million. Monsanto still plans to appeal

Carano sues Disney over firing from 'Mandalorian,' says retaliated against her over politics

By Jonathan Bilyk |
TV and film star Gina Carano says Disney illegally attempted to blast her career from orbit over conservative online speech, costing her untold millions of dollars in future career opportunities built on her popular recurring character on Star Wars series, 'The Mandalorian'

CA emissions reporting rules illegal try to let CA regulate emissions worldwide, lawsuit says

By Jonathan Bilyk |
A new lawsuit from the U.S. and California chambers of commerce and other business advocates says new California laws forcing businesses to report "climate" emissions violates both the First Amendment and Clean Air Act.

Judge again rejects consumer lawsuit trying to shut down Kroger-Albertsons merger

By Jonathan Bilyk |
A federal judge said the consumers still haven't demonstrated how exactly they will be harmed by the $24B merger of the country's No. 1 and No. 2 supermarket chains. Action by the FTC could come in mid-January, per court filings

Google to pay $700M to end Google Play store class actions; Lawyers to get up to $128M, states get $70M

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The lawsuits accused Google of monopolizing control of the Android smartphone operating system and environment. About 71 million consumers could see $2-$7 each in refunds from the deal

Judge says high risk of financial ruin not enough to block feds from getting Michigan staffing firm's client list

By Jonathan Bilyk |
The staffing firm said it intends to appeal the decision that they said would further a "fishing expedition" from the U.S. Labor Department. The government confirmed it intends to not limit the investigation to potential "child labor," but could seek to nail the company and its clients under wage and hour rules, too

IL gun ban foes ask SCOTUS to review IL Sup Ct ruling; Petition says two Dem justices who refused recusal defied high court

By Jonathan Bilyk |
State Rep. Dan Caulkins and other gun owners from Macon County say the U.S. Supreme Court needs to undo the Illinois high court's ruling on the "assault weapons" ban, because they could not receive a fair hearing when two justices, who already were endorsed by anti-gun groups, got millions of campaign cash from Gov. Pritzker

Verizon, AT&T customers can keep up suit vs T-Mobile, claiming Sprint merger raised their rates

By Jonathan Bilyk |
A judge said plaintiffs had done enough to establish a "reasonable inference" that the T-Mobile/Sprint merger had created "anticompetitive effects" that boosted everyone's bills

IL OK to ban 'assault weapons,' so long as state says those guns are 'dangerous' and too similar to 'military' weapons: Appeals court

By Jonathan Bilyk |
A 2-1 panel of the Seventh Circuit Appeals Court in Chicago refused to block Illinois' 'assault weapons' ban from being enforced. A dissenting judge said the ruling conflicts with SCOTUS rulings, and effectively subjects Americans' Second Amendment rights to a 'military veto'

Jury orders Bayer Monsanto to pay $332M in latest Roundup trial verdict

By Jonathan Bilyk |
Bayer has pledged to appeal, and believes it can at least reduce what it called an 'unconstitutionally excessive verdict.'