
Shook Partner Bill Vita Speaks at Montreal Legal Conference


Monday, March 17, 2025

Shook Partner Bill Vita Speaks at Montreal Legal Conference


Announcement for the Day! | PIxabay by Skitterphoto

Shook New York Partner Bill Vita recently joined a panel discussion of Canadian attorneys and professors at a conference on Class Actions sponsored by the Quebec Bar Association, in Montreal, Canada. More than 200 Canadian attorneys attended the conference.

The panel presentation “Class Actions and Artificial Intelligence” focused on the types of class action cases that have arisen from issues involving artificial intelligence (“A.I.”). Vita provided an American perspective on this topic. 

Four years ago, there were two class action cases filed in the United States regarding artificial intelligence. So far, in 2024, plaintiffs’ attorneys have filed more than thirty A.I. related class actions. The Canadian attorneys were very interested in the reasons behind the steep rise in American cases, because Canada has not yet seen a comparable number of class actions arising from A.I. However, all of the panelists agreed that such class actions are bound to arrive in Canada in the near future.  

Interestingly, the panelists from Quebec spoke in French and the other panelists presented in English. The conference organizers provided each attendee with headphones and small radio receivers, which facilitated simultaneous translation in the conference room.

Vita’s presentation was greatly enhanced by the ideas and support of class action and A.I. attorney Michelle Fujimoto, a partner in the Orange County Office and the detailed and thorough survey of A.I. Class Actions provided by Orange County associate, Paulina Tran.

Original source can be found here.


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