
AG Fitch Warns Consumers to Beware of Holiday Scams


Friday, March 28, 2025

AG Fitch Warns Consumers to Beware of Holiday Scams


Attorney Lynn Fitch | wikipedia

Attorney General Lynn Fitch warned Mississippians to be aware of unsolicited “missed delivery” notification scamsas they increase this holiday season.“

During the holiday season, scammers often take advantage of the increasedvolume of package deliveries,” said Attorney General Lynn Fitch.“Knowing consumers are eagerly anticipating the arrival of packages before theholiday, bad actors send unsolicited texts and emails urging you to click on alink to locate a missed or delayed delivery. One bad click could lead to malware,fraud, and identity theft. Familiarize yourself with these common tactics toavoid these scams.”Delivery scams often start with a text message or an email about delivering apackage to your address.

 These messages often include a "tracking link" thatyou are urged to click in order to update your delivery or payment preferences.

You might also get a voicemail message with a call-back number, or a "misseddelivery" tag on your door with a number to call.How to spot and avoid fraudulent notifications:

Unexpected requests for money in return for delivery of a package, oftenwith a sense of urgency.Requests for personal and/or financial information.Links to misspelled or slightly altered website addresses, such as"fedx.com" or "fed-ex.com".

Spelling and grammatical errors or excessive use of capitalization andexclamation points.Certificate errors or lack of online security protocols for sensitiveactivities.

If you receive suspicious emails or texts, do not click on the link. Go to thedelivery carrier's website directly or use the retailer's tracking tools to verify thesender's identity and avoid these scams.

Original source can be found here.

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