For the third consecutive year, the Maryland Court of Appeals has successfully issued rulings in all cases heard during its term. This achievement aligns with the goals outlined in the Strategic Plan for the Maryland Judiciary.
Following Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera's appointment to lead the Maryland Judiciary in July 2013, the Court of Appeals adopted a policy similar to that of the U.S. Supreme Court. This policy ensures that all cases are heard and decided within the same term. "Today marks a continuation of accountability and validates the standard to which we will adhere in future terms," stated Chief Judge Barbera, adding, "Every member of the Court is dedicated to timely and meaningful justice."
The term years for Maryland's highest court begin on September 1 and conclude on August 31. The court has delivered rulings on all cases heard in its previous two term years as well.
Since 1975, the Court of Appeals has primarily operated through certiorari, a discretionary review process. It grants petitions for certiorari in cases deemed to be in the public interest. The court holds exclusive jurisdiction over matters such as death penalty cases, legislative redistricting, removal of certain officers, and certification by state appellate and federal courts regarding questions of law.