
AG Fitch Issues Warning to Company Transmitting Robocalls


Friday, March 28, 2025

AG Fitch Issues Warning to Company Transmitting Robocalls


Attorney Lynn Fitch | wikipedia

Attorney General Lynn Fitch sent a letter to iDentidad Advertising Development LLC, also known as iDentidad Telecom,warning the company that it is transmitting suspected illegal robocall trafficand should stop immediately or face legal consequences.

"Robocalls are not only annoying and disruptive to our everyday lives, but theyare often used to perpetrate scams," said Attorney General Lynn Fitch. "Itis clear that iDentidad is flagrantly disregarding its responsibilities to safeguard Mississippi consumers and enough is enough. I am proud to stand with mycolleagues to protect Americans from these unsolicited calls.

"AG Fitch is part of the bipartisan Anti-Robocall Multistate Litigation TaskForce of 51 attorneys general, which investigates and takes legal action againstthose responsible for routing illegal robocall traffic into and across the UnitedStates. In the letter, the attorneys general explain that iDentidad received nearly 200traceback notices for calls the company routed to the U.S. telephone networkthat mostly came from outside the country. There were large numbers of callsthat were illegal or part of suspicious robocall campaigns. Some of these traceback notices concerned illegal and/or suspicious calls about IRS/SocialSecurity Administration government imposters, utility scams, financial scams,and spoofed calls impersonating the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. 

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) also sent a cease-and-desist toiDentidad.Last year, AG Fitch sued Avid Telecom for allegedly initiating and facilitatingbillions of illegal robocalls to millions of people and violating the TelephoneConsumer Protection Act, the Telemarketing Sales Rule, and other federal andstate telemarketing and consumer laws.AG Fitch has also called on the FCC to clarify the federal rules requiring telemarketers to obtain consent between an individual consumer and onespecific seller or business entity before making telemarketing robocalls and texts.

Original source can be found here.

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