

Friday, October 4, 2024

Groups release report criticizing DOJ memo targeting protesting parents

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Stephen Miller - President, America First Legal | https://aflegal.org

After three years of investigations by America First Legal (AFL), Parents Defending Education (PDE), and the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, questions remain unanswered regarding a memorandum issued by Attorney General Merrick Garland. The memo, dated October 4, 2021, directed federal resources to address parents protesting at school board meetings over issues like Critical Race Theory and mask mandates.

The AFL and PDE have released a report outlining key figures involved in the memo's development. These include Kevin Chambers, Mary C. Wall, Matthew Klapper, Anthony Coley, and Margaret Goodlander. The report suggests these individuals played roles in what is described as an attempt to silence parents exercising their First Amendment rights.

This memorandum was reportedly prompted by a letter from the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to President Biden on September 29, 2021. The NSBA requested counterterrorism resources be used against parents protesting at school board meetings. Five days later, Garland's directive was issued.

Ian Prior from America First Legal stated: “In 2021, parents across America began exercising their Constitutional rights to hold their local school boards accountable for their policies and conduct during the pandemic... Rather than recognize the problems and engage with parents, the Biden-Harris Administration offered up the Department of Justice to serve as taxpayer-funded law enforcement for the very special interests that were so threatened by parents wanting a say in their children’s education.”

Nicki Neily from Parents Defending Education commented: “Three years ago, parents who were justifiably unhappy about the quality of their children’s education began to use their voices and resources to demand better... No apology has ever been issued – nor has DOJ’s directive ever been rescinded – revealing this administration’s deeply held, ongoing contempt for hardworking American taxpayers.”

The AFL and PDE aim to continue investigating what they describe as an assault on constitutional rights related to free speech.


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