

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

America First Legal files second lawsuit against New York DA over Trump prosecution records

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Stephen Miller - President, America First Legal | https://aflegal.org

America First Legal (AFL) has filed a second lawsuit against the New York District Attorney’s Office, seeking records related to what it describes as the politically motivated prosecution of President Trump by District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The lawsuit aims to obtain critical records from D.A. Bragg’s office.

This legal action is part of AFL's ongoing investigation into the New York District Attorney’s Office over concerns about impartiality, politically motivated prosecution, and the potential weaponization of the justice system. In March 2023, AFL initiated an investigation to access internal and external communications regarding President Trump, aiming to determine if political motivations influenced D.A. Bragg's actions.

Following President Trump's conviction in New York and allegations of improper collusion between D.A. Bragg’s office, the Biden White House, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), and allied left-wing groups, AFL expanded its inquiries in June to seek relevant records from D.A. Bragg’s office.

Despite more than a year of requests from AFL, D.A. Bragg’s office provided only a single-page record this June. Additionally, the office admitted possessing dozens of emails or other communications mentioning President Trump with the DOJ but refused to release these documents citing "grand jury secrecy grounds."

D.A. Bragg’s admission contradicts a statement made by DOJ in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan that same month, which claimed that DOJ found no email communications "between any officials in Department leadership...and the District Attorney’s office regarding any investigation or prosecution of the former President."

AFL recently sued for access to all records involving discussions between D.A. Bragg and his staff about Judge Merchan or President Trump and all communications between D.A. Bragg's office and entities such as the Biden White House, DOJ, and allied left-wing groups.

As part of this broader investigation, AFL also sued the DOJ last month for records concerning Matthew Colangelo, identified as a key figure in what AFL terms a partisan prosecution against President Trump in Manhattan.

Dan Epstein, Vice President of America First Legal, stated: “It is incumbent for Alvin Bragg’s office to meet its transparency responsibilities. The public record now reveals a direct contradiction between statements from the U.S. Department of Justice and Bragg’s own office about coordination between the two. And now it would appear that groups like Color of Change may be coordinating activities between Washington, D.C., and New York City behind the scenes.”


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