

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Former State Representative Troy E. Merner Pleads Guilty to Wrongful Voting and Theft by Deception


Attorney General John Formella | Attorney General John Formella Official Website

Attorney General John M. Formella announces that former New Hampshire State Representative Troy E. Merner, age 62, of Carroll, New Hampshire, has pleaded guilty to Wrongful Voting in violation of RSA 659:34 and Theft by Deception in violation of RSA 637:4, both class A misdemeanors.

The Wrongful Voting complaint alleged that Mr. Merner knowingly made a false material statement regarding his qualifications as a voter to an election officer by misrepresenting his domicile for voting purposes while voting for an office or measure at the March 14, 2023, election in the Town of Lancaster.

The Theft complaint alleged that pursuant to one scheme or course of conduct, Mr. Merner represented on General Court of New Hampshire mileage cards that he resided in Lancaster, NH, when in fact, he resided in Carroll, NH, resulting in Mr. Merner receiving greater travel reimbursements from the State than he was entitled to receive.

As part of the negotiated resolution, Mr. Merner was sentenced to six months in the House of Corrections for each conviction, with both sentences suspended for a period of two years and conditioned on his continued good behavior and compliance with the terms of the plea agreement. As part of the agreement, Mr. Merner agreed to not seek any elected or appointed public office during the period of suspension, agreed to pay $1,100.06 in restitution to the State of New Hampshire, and acknowledged that pursuant to Part I, Article 11 of the New Hampshire Constitution, his right to vote in New Hampshire will be terminated unless later restored by the Supreme Court.

If Mr. Merner violates any of the above conditions within two years of the date of sentencing, the State may seek to impose the suspended portion of his negotiated sentence

This case was jointly investigated and prosecuted by members of the Election Law Unit and the Public Integrity Unit.

Original source can be found here.


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