

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Federal court allows AFL lawsuit against CBS over alleged anti-white discrimination

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Stephen Miller - President, America First Legal | https://aflegal.org

The U.S. District Court for the Central District of California has denied CBS's motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by America First Legal (AFL), which alleges anti-white racial discrimination by the network. The decision allows AFL to proceed with its case on behalf of a heterosexual male script coordinator and freelance scriptwriter who claims he was not hired as a writer for CBS’s "Seal Team" series due to diversity criteria.

In February, AFL initiated legal action against CBS, asserting that their client, who has been contributing episodes to "Seal Team" since 2017, was overlooked in favor of a less experienced black male candidate.

The court's ruling marks a pivotal moment in the case, permitting AFL to conduct extensive discovery into CBS's employment practices. This process aims to uncover evidence supporting the allegations of discrimination and will be instrumental in seeking justice for AFL’s client during the trial.


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