

Friday, September 20, 2024

Attorney General Rosenblum comments on landmark Google antitrust decision

State AG
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Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum | Facebook Website

Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum issued a statement on August 5, 2024, regarding a significant antitrust ruling against Google. "I welcome the ruling today by Judge Mehta, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, who, in his 277-page opinion, found: 'Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly.'"

The ruling follows a nine-week trial in which the Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ) directly participated. "The judge’s conclusion that Google abused a monopoly in its search business is nothing less than historic," Rosenblum stated.

Rosenblum highlighted the influence of Google's monopoly on the lives of Oregonians and extended her gratitude to those involved in the litigation. "I want to express my thanks and appreciation to the attorneys and staff at Oregon DOJ, as well as our colleagues from all the states and the federal government that worked side-by-side on this extremely complex litigation."

She concluded by emphasizing the importance of fair market practices. "This ruling upholds the fundamental principle that every company in America—including the largest ones—is expected to play by the rules and respect the importance of a free and fair marketplace."


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