

Thursday, September 19, 2024

FOIA.gov updates tool for easier access to law enforcement records

Attorneys & Judges
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Merrick B. Garland Attorney General at U.S. Department of Justice | Official Website

FOIA.gov, the government’s central resource for information about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), now includes additional functionality to help users locate commonly requested law enforcement and related records. The FOIA.gov Search Tool was updated to add a “Law Enforcement records” pre-defined user journey that helps the public more quickly locate commonly requested information. This user journey supplements the existing journeys that help users identify agencies with some of the most common types of requested records, including Immigration/Travel records, Tax records, Social Security records, Medical records, Personnel records, and Military records. The new Law Enforcement records user journey not only helps requesters identify the multitude of federal law enforcement agencies subject to the FOIA but also provides useful guidance for those seeking state and local records.

Since the launch of the Search Tool in October 2023, nearly 99,000 queries have been recorded. More than half of users enter a predefined user journey, making these journeys instrumental in helping requesters identify agencies and documents of interest.

In introducing the new Law Enforcement user journey, the machine learning functionality used to power the Search Tool was retrained and benefited from recent advancements. As a result, search results are anticipated to be more accurate and precise.

"As users continue to interact with the Search Tool," stated an official announcement on FOIA.gov's website, "we will analyze usage data to further improve the quality of results." The latest update now allows users to provide targeted feedback on the results they receive. "We also welcome your feedback via email at National.FOIAPortal@usdoj.gov," added another statement from FOIA.gov officials. "Your input is invaluable as we continue to improve the Search Tool to best serve the public."


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