

Friday, September 13, 2024

America First Legal exposes alleged governmental suppression of political dissent

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Stephen Miller - President, America First Legal | https://aflegal.org/

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following its victory in disbanding the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” America First Legal (AFL) has released documents obtained through litigation that form the basis for its #DeepStateDiaries series, exposing the Brennan-Clapper Intel Group.

In the first installment, AFL released documents showing how the group proposed expanding DHS’s reach into local communities in an “ambiguous” and “non-threatening” way, contemplating ways to get teachers and mothers to report their children. The second installment revealed how the Biden Administration proposed using military, religious, and political affiliations (Trump supporters) as “indicators” to tag Americans as prone to committing violent attacks.

The third installment disclosed discussions among Biden administration intelligence experts about using January 6 and the raid at Mar-a-Lago to justify targeting political opponents for surveillance. The fourth installment showed admissions from Deep State members about working "quietly" to "make democracy work" against what they perceived as domestic terrorism threats from former president supporters.

In the fifth installment, AFL reported that the Biden Administration had drafted a classified implementation plan accompanying their 2021 Domestic Surveillance Strategy. The sixth installment highlighted advocacy by John Brennan and James Clapper’s group for DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis to adopt covert messaging campaigns targeted at the American public.

These meeting minutes reveal evidence of a Whole-of-Government approach under the Biden Administration aimed at silencing political dissent by reclassifying it as an indicator of domestic terrorism to justify increased surveillance of conservatives. These documents support AFL's long-standing claims of a coordinated government effort to monitor, censor, and suppress political dissent.

AFL previously led investigations into the 2021 National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism (“Domestic Surveillance Strategy”), confirming that DHS exaggerated domestic terror threats post-January 6 by compiling left-leaning news articles. Additionally, a lawsuit against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed extensive White House involvement in censorship efforts related to COVID-19 discussions online.

Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Executive Director, stated: “The American people need to read these records and our exposé of the Biden Administration’s efforts to further weaponize the government to achieve their objectives. This ‘committee,’ stacked with the Administration’s allies, was formed in violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, and we were proud to have stopped its activities. Now, it is up to Congress to stop the Biden Administration from further using these same actors to advance their radical agenda at the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis.”


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