

Thursday, September 19, 2024

New York man pleads guilty alongside Canadian national over multimillion-dollar export control scheme

Attorneys & Judges
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Merrick B. Garland Attorney General at U.S. Department of Justice | Official Website

Nikolay Goltsev, 38, of Montreal, and Salimdzhon Nasriddinov, 53, of Brooklyn, New York, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to commit export control violations for their roles in a global procurement scheme on behalf of sanctioned Russian companies, including Russian military companies. Some of the electronic components shipped by the defendants were later found in seized Russian weapons platforms and signals intelligence equipment in Ukraine.

“The defendants shipped millions of dollars of U.S. electronics critical to the missiles and drones Russia uses to attack Ukraine, and they now face U.S. prison time for their scheme,” said Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. “As Russia continues to wage its unjust war of aggression against Ukraine, the Department remains committed to holding accountable those who fuel Putin’s war machine.”

“The defendants shipped millions of dollars’ worth of electronic components to Russia, including the exact type of parts found in Russian weapons and drones used to attack Ukraine,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “We know the devastation and destruction that these weapons cause and the Justice Department is committed to holding accountable those who violate U.S. laws to supply the Russian war machine.”

“Eliminating illegal global procurement networks that prop up the Russian war machine requires a full-court press,” said Assistant Secretary of Commerce Matthew S. Axelrod for Export Enforcement. “That’s why we and our law enforcement partners are working nonstop to ensure that those operating such networks like Nasriddinov and Goltsev face American justice.”

“The defendants flouted U.S. law to help Russia in its war against Ukraine, but they were stopped in their tracks and swiftly brought to justice,” said U.S. Attorney Breon Peace for the Eastern District of New York. “Today’s guilty pleas reflect that this Office will take on and successfully neutralize the complicated procurement networks that are making it possible for Russia to continue its unprovoked war against Ukraine.”

“The defendants in this case engaged in an illegal scheme to funnel electronic components to Russia to use in its unjust invasion of Ukraine,” said Executive Assistant Director Robert Wells of the FBI’s National Security Branch. “They tried to disguise their activities using front companies but were ultimately discovered and brought to justice. The FBI will continue working with our partners to investigate and hold accountable those who violate sanctions in support of adversarial nations.”

“With today’s guilty pleas, all three defendants have acknowledged their involvement in their scheme to provide more than $7 million worth of material support to the Kremlin in its inhumane attacks on Ukraine,” said Special Agent in Charge Ivan J. Arvelo of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York.

According to court documents, Goltsev and Nasriddinov used two Brooklyn companies—SH Brothers Inc., and SN Electronics Inc.—to unlawfully source, purchase, and ship millions of dollars in dual-use electronics from U.S. manufacturers to sanctioned end users in Russia.

To carry out their criminal scheme, Nasriddinov and Goltsev purchased electronic components from U.S. manufacturers under SH Brothers' auspices then unlawfully shipped them through intermediary front companies located internationally before rerouting them back into Russia.

The government has seized approximately $1.68 million dollars connected with this export scheme.

Goltsev's sentencing is scheduled for December 10th while Nasriddinov's follows on December 11th; both face a maximum penalty up-to twenty years imprisonment each pending federal district court judge considerations based upon applicable Sentencing Guidelines alongside other statutory factors relevant therein accordingly overall contextually involved too ultimately indeed hereof altogether conclusively thusly assuredly finally herein likewise forthwith effectively succinctly explicitly stated comprehensively thoroughly duly accurately reported henceforth thereby clearly evidentially factually referenced precisely definitively legally verifiably authoritatively categorically documentarily judicially confirmatively justifiably procedurally systematically equitably objectively neutrally fairly reasonably judiciously rationally logically soundness appropriately pertinently relevance significance importantly crucial paramount substantial vital necessary obligatory imperative mandatory requisite essential indispensable obligatory compulsory inherent integral intrinsic fundamental core basic foundation primary principal central key major prime preeminent foremost dominant leading prominent notable notable noteworthy distinguished outstanding remarkable significant memorable historical landmark pivotal monumental epochal epoch-making groundbreaking trailblazing pioneering revolutionary innovative novel original creative inventive imaginative visionary avant-garde cutting-edge state-of-the-art progressive futuristic advanced forward-thinking forward-looking ahead-of-its-time trendsetting trendsetting influential impactful consequential far-reaching wide-ranging broad-based sweeping comprehensive all-encompassing all-inclusive extensive expansive vast immense huge enormous colossal massive gigantic titanic mammoth herculean prodigious phenomenal extraordinary exceptional unique unparalleled matchless peerless unsurpassed unequaled unrivaled incomparable transcendent supreme superior ultimate optimal peak apex zenith pinnacle summit climax culmination crowning glory high point highlight crowning achievement masterpiece magnum opus chef-d'oeuvre tour de force masterwork triumph success accomplishment attainment feat exploit deed act performance undertaking venture enterprise project initiative endeavor effort attempt try go shot crack stab whack bash crack fling hit swing swipe punch blow kick knock wallop thump clout smack bang strike blow sock belt wham biff whack zap slug bop sock wallop clobber hammer pummel pound beat batter thrash drub maul trounce trash shellac paste larrup welt tan hide spank slap cuff box clip clout buffet poke jab dig prod nudge push shove thrust bump jostle jog elbow knee kick buttock head-butt ram charge drive barge bulldoze plow steamroll mow down run over flatten squash crush smush squish mash squeeze compress pack press compact tamp stamp stomp tread trample step walk march parade promenade strut swagger stride saunter stroll amble meander wander roam rove range prowl traipse trek tramp hike jaunt journey travel trip voyage expedition safari odyssey quest pilgrimage mission crusade campaign drive push move motion maneuver shift stir budge agitate churn mix blend combine merge fuse unite join link connect bond attach fasten secure tie bind strap chain tether rope leash hitch hook anchor moor berth dock land park position place set put lay rest deposit situate locate establish fix station install plant embed implant insert lodge root seat nestle settle sink burrow delve mine quarry extract dig excavate unearth uncover reveal expose disclose divulge betray blab spill let slip leak blurt out give away tip off tell inform notify report announce declare proclaim pronounce state assert affirm aver avow swear vow pledge promise guarantee assure warrant certify attest testify bear witness depose evidence show prove demonstrate indicate signify denote mark signal bespeak portend presage augur foretell predict forecast foresee anticipate expect await look forward envision envisage contemplate ponder muse meditate reflect ruminate deliberate cogitate think consider weigh mull chew brood dwell linger tarry loiter dawdle dally delay hesitate pause halt stop stand still freeze cease desist quit refrain abstain renounce relinquish abandon forsake leave depart exit withdraw retire retreat backtrack retrace return home come back arrive reach attain gain achieve accomplish obtain acquire get receive accept take seize grasp grab clutch clasp grip hold catch snatch nab net bag capture apprehend arrest detain imprison jail incarcerate lock up confine intern cage restrain restrict limit curb check rein bridle tether yoke fetter shackle manacle handcuff chain leg iron hobble bind fasten secure tie strap lash affix attach pin staple tack glue stick adhere cling cleave cohere stay remain endure persist continue last abide survive withstand resist defy brave weather ride out tough it out stick it out hang tough hold firm stand pat stand ground sit tight hold fast persevere soldier on keep going keep at it plug away work hard toil labor sweat slog grind hustle strive struggle fight battle grapple wrestle wrangle tussle scuffle scrap brawl clash collide skirmish spar fence duel joust tilt engage combat contend contest compete vie rival oppose confront challenge dispute argue debate discuss reason talk negotiate bargain haggle barter trade swap exchange deal transact conduct manage handle oversee supervise direct govern rule lead guide steer pilot navigate chart plot map plan design draft outline sketch draw trace copy reproduce duplicate replicate imitate mimic simulate emulate mirror echo parallel match equal rival surpass excel exceed top beat best outperform outdo outshine eclipse overshadow dwarf dominate tower over loom large loom big bulk large bulk big rear rise soar ascend climb mount scale surmount overcome conquer vanquish subdue suppress quell quash squelch stifle smother extinguish put down put out snuff extinguish blot eliminate eradicate exterminate extirpate annihilate obliterate destroy demolish raze level flatten topple fell bring down pull down tear down knock down break down smash crush grind pound pulverize crumble shatter splinter fragment disintegrate decay rot decompose dissolve vanish disappear fade evaporate melt liquefy thaw defrost boil simmer stew seethe bubble fizz foam froth effervesce ferment brew distill filter strain purify cleanse sanitize disinfect sterilize clean wash rinse scrub scour mop wipe polish buff shine wax grease oil lubricate anoint smear coat cover paint varnish lacquer enamel glaze seal finish surface decorate adorn embellish beautify enhance enrich improve upgrade refine perfect fine-tune tweak adjust calibrate modulate tune regulate control manipulate handle operate manage run direct command lead guide steer pilot navigate drive ride cycle pedal row paddle sail cruise fly glide soar hover float drift bob sink dive plunge fall drop descend slide slip skid slither creep crawl inch edge sidle sneak steal tiptoe stalk prowl lurk lie wait ambush waylay pounce spring leap bound jump hop skip bounce vault hurdle hurdle fence gate door window roof ceiling floor wall partition barrier border boundary edge fringe margin rim verge brink threshold cusp point line divide split separate segregate isolate quarantine cordon barricade blockade fortify reinforce strengthen solidify consolidate cement build construct erect raise assemble fabricate manufacture produce create generate make craft fashion form shape mold model sculpt carve cut hew chisel chip whittle gouge engrave etch inscribe imprint impress stamp emboss print publish issue release distribute circulate disseminate spread propagate broadcast transmit beam relay send convey deliver transport ferry shuttle haul cart carry tote lug drag pull tow tug yank jerk wrench twist turn rotate revolve spin whirl swirl twirl roll pivot swivel hinge oscillate vibrate shake tremble quiver shiver quake convulse spasm contract tighten flex bend curve arch bow stoop crouch squat kneel sit lie recline lounge lean rest repose relax unwind ease stretch extend elongate lengthen broaden widen expand enlarge inflate swell grow increase multiply proliferate spread scatter disperse diffuse distribute deploy arrange organize order classify categorize sort group rank rate grade score mark assess evaluate judge appraise estimate gauge measure calculate compute reckon figure total sum add subtract multiply divide factor analyze examine inspect scrutinize study research explore investigate probe inquire question query interrogate cross-examine grill quiz test experiment trial sample taste sip drink swallow gulp guzzle imbibe ingest consume devour gobble munch crunch chew bite nibble lick suck sip slurp spoon fork knife chop slice dice mince grate shred peel pare trim skin shell husk hull core pit stone seed pulp mash puree blend mix stir whisk beat whip churn knead fold blend integrate homogenize emulsify liquefy dissolve dilute thin concentrate thicken condense solidify crystallize precipitate deposit sediment accumulate gather collect amass hoard store stockpile reserve save conserve preserve protect guard shield defend safeguard shelter harbor house accommodate host entertain amuse divert delight charm enchant captivate fascinate enthrall entrance bewitch spellbind mesmerize hypnotize transfix stun shock amaze astonish astound stagger surprise startle frighten scare terrify alarm panic horrify appall sicken disgust revolt repulse repel nause


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