

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Attorney General Tong investigates sudden collapse of Capulet Fest 2024

State AG
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Attorney General William Tong | Facebook Website

Attorney General Tong opens investigation into Capulet Entertainment

Hartford, CT – Attorney General William Tong has initiated an investigation into Capulet Entertainment following numerous consumer complaints regarding the sudden collapse of the three-day Capulet Fest 2024 music festival.

“We have received dozens of complaints from frustrated Capulet Fest ticketholders. Fans paid hundreds of dollars and booked campsites and overnight accommodations for an outdoor, three-day festival. That’s not what they got. Capulet Entertainment needs to explain exactly how things went so wrong, and provide prompt refunds to every consumer they let down,” said Attorney General Tong.

The festival was scheduled to take place from June 28-30 at the Thompson Motor Speedway. Ticketholders paid up to $700 for a three-day pass, expecting performances by 50 different bands and food trucks at an outdoor venue. Many had arranged overnight accommodations, including nearby campsites.

One day before the start of the festival, Capulet moved the location 50 miles away to the Webster Theater in Hartford, a much smaller indoor venue. Many anticipated bands dropped out, and Capulet ultimately canceled the final third day of the festival. The Office of the Attorney General has received over 60 complaints from ticket holders who have unsuccessfully sought refunds from Capulet.

In an inquiry letter today to Capulet, the Office of the Attorney General sought information regarding concert promotions and planning, reasons for the abrupt change in venue and cancellation of the third night, communications to Connecticut consumers regarding these changes, accounting of festival revenues, and any refunds provided to date.


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