

Friday, September 13, 2024

AG Fitch Releases Statement Celebrating SecondAnniversary of Dobbs


Attorney General Lynn Fitch | Attorney General Lynn Fitch official photo

In celebration of the two-year anniversary of the Mississippi Dobbs decision, Attorney General Lynn Fitch released the following statement:

“As we celebrate the second anniversary of this landmark decision, it is our responsibility to take up the task we asked the Court to give us: To find andemploy new and better ways to empower women and promote life. The storydid not end when Roe was overturned; rather it started a new chapter. Ourmission is to advocate for and support women so that they and their childrencan thrive. 

This is what my Empowerment Project is about:

•Making quality childcare more affordable and accessible,

•Promoting workplace flexibilities,•Improving child support enforcement,

•Fixing broken foster care and adoption systems, and•Giving young mothers the resources, upskilling, and support they need for ahealthy, flourishing family.“

This is our call to action. It falls to all of us to empower women and promotelife with laws that reflect our respect for the dignity of women, children, and lifeitself. I am grateful to the Mississippi Legislature, which has demonstrated atrue commitment to this mission, passing a dozen proposals from myEmpowerment Project agenda in just two years. I am proud of the impact wehave made together, but I know that our job is not done. In the years to come, Iwill continue to advocate for the policies that empower and support women sothat they can thrive.

”The Empowerment Project is a policy initiative focused on empowering womenand promoting strong Mississippi families. Through The Empowerment Project, the Attorney General’s Office seeks out ways to help families of allstages and phases by providing women with the opportunities and resources toupskill, educate, and grow.

Original source can be found here.


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