

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Alabama leads multi-state lawsuit challenging California’s climate litigation against energy firms

State AG
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Attorney General Steve Marshall | Official website

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall has initiated a 19-state lawsuit against California and other states over litigation targeting major energy companies. The lawsuit contends that the penalties and remedies proposed by these states could significantly impact national energy production and consumption.

Attorney General Marshall criticized the approach of these states, stating, “The theory advanced by these states is truly radical: A small gas station in rural Alabama could owe money to the people of Minnesota simply for selling a gallon of gas. The customer might even be liable too. These states are welcome to enforce their preferred policies within their jurisdiction, but they do not have authority to dictate our national energy policy. If the Supreme Court lets them continue, California and its allies will imperil access to affordable energy for every American. That would threaten our national security and harm millions of Americans already struggling to pay for gas and groceries. To protect Alabama citizens and our constitutional order, we had no choice but to sue.”

The coalition's filing includes a motion, complaint, and brief arguing that traditional energy sources like oil, natural gas, and coal are vital for American prosperity. They emphasize the importance of federalism in ensuring that no state holds more power than another.

In April, Alabama led a 20-state amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to review a lawsuit filed by Honolulu seeking billions in penalties from energy companies accused of deceiving consumers about emissions from products like gasoline. The Supreme Court has yet to decide on hearing this case.

Attorneys general from Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming joined Alabama's motion.


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