

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

AG Kaul Announces New Electronic Storage Detection Canine at the Wisconsin Department of Justice

State AG
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Attorney General Josh Kaul | Attorney General Josh Kaul Office

Attorney General Josh Kaul has unveiled a new addition to the Wisconsin Department of Justice's Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) - an Electronic Storage Detection (ESD) canine named Moose. The specially trained dog will assist in investigations throughout the state that involve the detection of electronics.

"Electronic storage detection canines like Moose help in holding those who commit internet crimes against children accountable," said Attorney General Josh Kaul. "We're glad to have Moose working to keep kids in Wisconsin safe."

Moose, along with his handler Special Agent Alexander Bol, will primarily be assigned to Internet Crimes Against Children investigations. However, ESD canines have proven to be valuable assets in a variety of other investigations as well. Moose can also provide comfort to children during the investigative and court process.

Special Agent Bol and Moose underwent training at Jordan Detection's ESD Canine Training Program in Indiana. They will also participate in annual recertifications with Jordan Detection. The canine was donated to the Wisconsin DOJ by kNot Today, an organization dedicated to protecting children from sexual abuse and exploitation.

When Moose is not on duty, he is just like any other black lab. At under two years old, Moose is a friendly and affectionate dog who loves people. He often sits on their feet to be close to them.

Moose joins the Wisconsin DOJ as the second ESD canine on the team, alongside canine Kozak. To learn more about all of Wisconsin DOJ's canines, visit their website.

This new addition to the Wisconsin Department of Justice will undoubtedly aid in the fight against internet crimes involving children. With Moose's help, the DOJ will be able to better protect the young residents of Wisconsin and ensure that those who commit such heinous acts are brought to justice.


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