

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Former Florida House of Representatives staff member alleges whistleblower retaliation

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Legal Newsline) — A former staff member for the Florida House of Representatives alleges she faced a hostile work environment due to her race and gender and faced whistleblower retaliation. 

Porsche Knight filed a complaint June 21 in Leon County Circuit Court against State of Florida and the Florida Senate alleging Whistleblower retaliation and other claims.

Knight, an African-American female, began working as staff with the Florida House of Representatives in December of 2014. She claims she was held to a different standard due to her race, gender and perceived disability by Staff Director Dawn Roberts, Senior Legislative Analysts Dan Brinson, Attorney/Deputy Staff Director Sarah Biehl, Chief of Staff Kathy Mears and Senior Policy Advisor Andrew Mackintosh. 

Specifically, Knight claims she was given deadlines which were "unachievable within a standard workday," faced different COVID-19 protocols and was forced to endure a hostile work environment. She also claims she faced retaliation for reporting rules and regulation violations as well as misconduct and was denied accommodations and work schedule adjustments due to her mental/disabling condition. 

Knight alleges she was placed on administrative leave until November of 2022. Knight claims due to the defendants' actions, she has suffered emotional distress and lost back and front pay, bonuses and other benefits. 

Knight seeks monetary relief of more than $50,000, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. She is represented by Attorney Marie Mattox in Tallahassee. 

Leon County Circuit Court case number 2023-CA-001729


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