

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

White male alleges discrimination at Florida Department of Education


Picpedia/Nick Youngson

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Legal Newsline) — A Caucasian male alleges that a supervisor at the Florida Department of Education exhibited a pattern of firing white employees and replacing them with African American employees.  

Paul Munyon filed a complaint April 24 in Leon County Circuit Court against the Florida Department of Education alleging violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act and other claims. 

Munyon, according to his complaint, began working for the Florida Department of Education as a bureau chief in September of 2014. Munyon alleges he suffered discrimination and retaliation, particularly from the department's Deputy Commissioner Andre Smith, a Black male. Specifically, Munyon claims that Smith hired an African American as project manager who was not qualified which resulted in a greater amount of work for him. 

He further claims that in various meetings, Smith threatened to fire white employees but not Black employees. Munyon alleges that after one of his subordinates, a white male, berated and blocked a female employee from leaving the break room, he was wrongfully terminated without even knowing about the incident until the subordinate was fired. He claims he was then replaced by an unqualified Black female. 

Munyon seeks monetary relief of more than $50,000, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. He is represented by Marie Mattox of Marie A. Mattox PA in Tallahassee. 

Leon County Circuit Court case number 171687116


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